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UI overhaul + Login modifications


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Hi everyone, 
I am currently trying to make some major modifications to my emby server - some are UI wise, some are backend / login related (later more on that). I know, that the changes will much likely be overwritten by an emby server update but thats not much of a problem, I am willing to reapply the changes & "fix" my hacks to suit the newer emby server versions. 

Many of the modifications I'd like to add can be done with CSS and I am kinda happy with the current state of the UI but I'd like to have some more things like the Slider on top of the main page at Disney+ or Netflix, as well as displaying collections underneath as Disney+ does however none of my changes to the HTML are present in the web app, even after a restart of the emby server. Am I doing something wrong here? 

The second thing I want to implement is a 2FA / TOTP solution for the login for external users. At the moment, my reverse proxy pops up a Basic Auth prompt when a User does not come from the internal LAN or isnt connected to my Network via VPN but AFAIK thats not supported for the TV Apps and they'd propably just get a Server Unavailable error.
To realize this, I also need to modify the HTML of the login but I have the same issues with that as with UI changes. Would it even be possible to display custom pages after the login on TVs? I am thinking of a two step system where you first have to login and after the verification you'd be redirected to another page which asks for the TOTP if you are not in the local network.

I hope that post is somewhat understandable and its clear what I want to do, i just wrote down my thoughts without major planing. 

All the best, 

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Interesting ideas, but those of us who do not have Disney + or Netflix have no idea what you are talking about.  Can you explain it so we can understand without having to be a member elsewhere?

On the Two factor authentication, what about coding that separately for all external users using separate server access app utility?  If they pass that test, then they can get access to the Emby server.  That would then be under your control and it would not have as many issues with future Emby updates.  I think you just like the idea of geeting the 2nd factor authentication after the Emby login.  For most users, with a saved browser password, they won't even notice Emby login.  It would just fly by.

On getting fancy with mouseover pop-up info on media cards.  I think that is what you are talking about.  I cannot tell from your description.  That's sort of a extra layer of .js somewhere because you can make CSS do mouseover changes and animation, but you have to pull dbase info, as well. The extra info is not cached on that page.  There are issues with even a .js approach.  First, how do you get the script call on all the pages.  I think most are dynamically built so you would have to add additional code to create the script reference.  The .js script would need to pull from the dbase selected info and images and create a pop-up.  Since users don't like delays much, the visible cards could get a lazyload of the dbase data to prep in case a user mousesovers the card.  Also, what happens on mobile and code to change the .js and css to be different for mobile screens.  Of course, any .js inserts will probably get wiped with an update.  I think it's more appropriate to come up with some design that really looks great for desktop and mobile and suggest that for a future update.


Edited by visproduction
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