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Trying to dig a tmdb trailer channel plugin


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I'm a developper (php/python) mostly. And i'm trying to understand emby's framework and the language to create in the future some plugins for emby. The first one i would like to make is a trailer channel plugin that will look tmdb upcoming/ popular and so on and get trailers. This will allow language selection and so on

So to try and understand all that i took a look a the actual trailer plugin. Despite the fact this one relies on a static txt file on github..... those not updated (which is sad for such a functionnality) i globally understood how it works.

But i have one question

I noticed that a remote trailer (remote trailer field ) with a youtube url plays well if the client supports youtube and is recognized as a youtube url


But the same kind of url in the path field of the db doesnt work. i guess as trailers apple are direct file streaming this works but the core Emby doesnt want to treat this item as a youtube url if it contains a youtube url even tough it does when its in the remote trailer field

my guess


The Emby core seems to be able to identify that a stream is youtube only in the remoteTrailer field but not in the path field.

Could'nt we have the same thing so that if the url in the path field is a youtube url it lauches it just like it does when it is a remote trailer.


This will ease the development of a plugin. Or maybe i miss something... For now the only thing i found is to add a dummy element and place the youtube url in the remoteTrailer Field... With that clicking the trailer button shows the trailer... But of course those are not picked by the cinema intros

If i missunderstand somehting thank you to clarify so that an element with a path (db field) with a youtube url can be treated the sameway as a youtubeurl in the remote trailer field



if effectively those are handled differently is i can understand. Could you please do an easy and fast update so that it could be handled the same way.... 

With so i could continue my discovering and the creation of this plugin




Edited by Sarakha63
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Hi.  I moved this to the developer section since it is basically requesting a development-oriented change.


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1 minute ago, ebr said:

Hi.  I moved this to the developer section since it is basically requesting a development-oriented change.


In fact firstly i was wondering if my analysis was good... and why this ?


And if so to consider the feature as i dont understand such a difference



But i'm ok with the move of the topic

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Hi.  If you are trying to build a trailer plug-in, then why not make the items created by that plug-in trailers?  That way it would not only work right now but also work with things like Cinema Intros.

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Also, as you develop this, please do keep in mind our development policy.  Any interfaces to other systems you build must be using freely available and legal APIs as opposed to doing things like scraping data from a web site.


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1 minute ago, ebr said:

Hi.  If you are trying to build a trailer plug-in, then why not make the items created by that plug-in trailers?  That way it would not only work right now but also work with things like Cinema Intros.

Yes that's the plan but as i said i'm just getting familiar with emby framework and it's DB.

but have a look at the actual trailer plugin

look at the items added in the Media Items table

they describe the item and have a path to the trailer in the path field of the db.   replace this with a youtube url and it isnt played at all by emby it fails

but in that same media item put the same youtube link in the last field (remoteTrailer)  and click on the trailer button in emby for that item.... It plays without any issue


And i dont understand why emby is able to detect youtube for a "remote trailer of an item"  but not if the items points directly to it

and that is necessary for cinema intros to pick those trailer

as cinema intros picks trailer fro existing items (remote trailer)

but for trailers items it direct picks the trailer as the item itself and those uses the path field 

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4 minutes ago, ebr said:

Also, as you develop this, please do keep in mind our development policy.  Any interfaces to other systems you build must be using freely available and legal APIs as opposed to doing things like scraping data from a web site.


as far as now : i fetch info from tmdb with api (no issue)

and emby will play youtube url as it does for remote trailer (by calling native youtube from the client if it as the functionnality)

so for that there is no issue

Edited by Sarakha63
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