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I'm having trouble saving my settings


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I just downloaded MediaBrowser as a client on my Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2, and as a server on my Windows machine. It offers significant advantages compared to Plex, but also some disadvantages. For example, on MKV files, the external player I use, MX Player, ends up not displaying the length of the video, but it plays extremely well. However, if I want to start back from where I left off, the video starts all over again. I believe that modifying the DLNA transcoding settings on the server end will help do the trick, but when I click on save the settings, and then restart the server, it reverts right back to where it was before. May you please help me on this problem? The MKV files are usually H264 and DTS or AC3 audio.

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if you're referring to external players from the android app, it won't help with that, but there's a new android release right around the corner that will dramatically improve the entire app. so i would re-evaluate once that's released.

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