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serverwmc backend error


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hi, trying to watch the football tonight through MBS, streaming stopped a few times, which isn't too unusual but just before the second goal it all stopped and i couldn't restart it. i looked at the livetv page in setup and it says unavailable (serverwmc backend error). i looked on the machine where serverwmc is running and all seems good with serverwmc.


serverwmc build 1162

MBS 3.0.5362.41507


what logs can i provide, they will be big, also debugging dnla

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more info, serverwmc seems to have initially caused a problem with wmc which required a restart. i say seems as my wmc is a bit fragile as i use dvblink as a source but its mainly stable.


after restarting everything serverwmc seems to be connected ok but its still reporting a backend error and tv doesnt play in MBS, working fine in WMC though,


not too bothered about the first problem as its not straightforward but removing and reinstalling the plugin made no difference, how do i fix the second?



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I'm confused.  I assume MBS is saying there is a backend error with serverwmc, but live tv is streaming now?  What are you doing when MBS says there is a backend error?

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Yep, status shows as: unavailable (serverwmc backend error). The guide refreshes but I can't see the tuner status where it normally would be

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The IP address (or host name) and port number are set correctly in both MBS and swmc?


if so, restart swmc then start MBS then post the serverwmc log and MBS log.

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Let me have the swmc log again, but this time give me the log after you have viewed the 'live tv' page that shows the backend error.

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I think I see the problem. I just PM'd you where to get an experimental build of serverwmc.  Please let me know if it solves the problem.  Thanks.

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let me try removing serverwmc, plugin, folder and reboot and reinstall. this doesn't seem like something you should be worrying too much about

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sorry, i didn't see this. but no, i'm having no trouble with wmc. its my primary tv viewing application so i'd notice if something had gone wrong there.


Anyway i trashed and reinstalled serverwmc and everything is fine. seems to have been some communication problem between serwerwmc and mbs as servwerwmc and wmc  and even tv streaming to mbs were all working fine.


going to give removing wmc and reinstalling a go at the weekend to see if i get the program images back. i was hoping live tv may be supported natively in the near future but my hopes of that are receding

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