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Incorrect characters in subtitles


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5 minutes ago, mprasil said:

So I did an experiment and recompiled  the latest Emby apk file replacing the assets/subfont.ttf file with same file from older Emby apk that didn't have this issue. After using the recompiled version, I can confirm the subtitles render correctly using latest Emby for Android 3.2.62:


This obviously does not fully solve my problem as I can't use the same approach on devices that do not support sideloading. But I think this pretty much confirms that the issue is within the used font. The working font is Roboto, the new (broken) font seems to be Noto Sans.

You can actually test the font pretty easily here, just type in some test text and drag the font you want to test. Here is how the old font renders my test string at 36px (note there is some slight kerning issue around the ť character, but otherwise it seems OK):


The font in the latest version renders the same text very incorrectly:


Here's the test text, I've used for testing, just copy/paste it into the tool: Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy

I understand that reverting the font might not be super easy as it might break international characters in other languages, however this should be considered the same as broken playback on all devices within regions using this characters sets. (Czech, Slovak, possibly others) This renders Emby almost unusable for those languages. (Which is made even worse by the fact, that using subtitles is much more common as a lot of content isn't dubbed in local language)

Hope this info helps to fix this ASAP.

Very nice commitment, I can confirm that characters are also incorrect in Serbian,as well as every other Eastern European language. 

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3 hours ago, mprasil said:

Udělal jsem tedy experiment a znovu zkompiloval nejnovější soubor Emby apk, který nahradil soubor assets/subfont.ttf stejným souborem ze staršího apk Emby, který tento problém neměl. Po použití překompilované verze mohu potvrdit správné vykreslení titulků pomocí nejnovější verze Emby pro Android 3.2.62:


To zjevně plně nevyřeší můj problém, protože nemohu použít stejný přístup na zařízeních, která nepodporují sideloading. Ale myslím, že to do značné míry potvrzuje, že problém je v použitém písmu. Pracovní font je Roboto , nový (přerušený) font se zdá být Noto Sans .

Písmo můžete skutečně otestovat docela snadno zde , stačí zadat nějaký testovací text a přetáhnout písmo, které chcete otestovat. Zde je návod, jak staré písmo vykresluje můj testovací řetězec na 36 pixelů (všimněte si, že kolem ť , ale jinak se zdá být v pořádku):


Písmo v nejnovější verzi vykresluje stejný text velmi nesprávně:


Here's the test text, I've used for testing, just copy/paste it into the tool: Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy

Chápu, že vrácení fontu nemusí být super snadné, protože by mohlo dojít k porušení mezinárodních znaků v jiných jazycích, ale toto by mělo být považováno za stejné jako přerušené přehrávání na všech zařízeních v rámci regionů používajících tuto znakovou sadu. (čeština, slovenština, případně další) Tím je Emby pro tyto jazyky téměř nepoužitelný. (Což je ještě horší o to, že použití titulků je mnohem běžnější, protože mnoho obsahu není dabováno v místním jazyce)

Doufám, že tyto informace pomohou vyřešit tento problém co nejdříve.

Thank you...

My opinion:
I think it's better to have a special package for emby because of the  languages... For example: Emby for Europe (Czech, Slovak, possibly others) or Emby for Asia (it has a different language) 🙂

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2 hours ago, Houfino said:

I think it's better to have a special package for emby because of the  languages...

I don't think it's necessary. The font absolutely can support all of the languages. (Besides having "region" versions would still not work for people that require working subtitles in multiple regions at the same time.)

It's really just single font issue. In fact, if you fetch Noto Sans from Google Fonts, the same font does have correct implementation of those extra characters used by some eastern European languages. So it's not any technical limitation as far as I can tell. The included font in the app is just broken for whatever reason.

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I have a similar case like this,

My sub file(.srt) works on windows in both chrome and theater apps. 

but its showing [X][X] symbols on android emby app. photo_2022-08-10_14-08-01.thumb.jpg.8ef1875f06e28c840050d16ea516986f.jpg

also when I click to preview subtitles on android app it shows perfect without any symbol.

But when playing video it shows every letter with [X] symbol


I think this happens only on emby player because vlc and other android players work fine with subtitles.

Please let me know how it happens and how to fix this issue.

(no issue with English sub. I'm having issue with Sinhala sub)

Subtitle language :Sinhala


Here is what it looks like in the windows app (android app should)


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4 hours ago, chamith said:

but its showing [X][X] symbols on android emby app

Hi.  Make sure your subtitle file is saved in UTF-8 format.

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@chamith FWIW I tried to render random Sinhala text with the font bundled in the app and both the old and new font seems to render the text correctly, so that might be different issue. Example with the new bundled font:


(as a side note, Sinhala characters are very adorable!)

@Luke can we please get someone to have a look at the font issue? The font is clearly broken and it should be pretty simple thing to fix. This is seriously broken for half of the Europe. See my previous post for troubleshooting.

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@mprasilThanks. I think this might be a bug. I will try this on different os versions and devices.
I don't know what the problem is. Have any ideas? 

I will update if it goes well

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On 8/9/2022 at 8:34 PM, mprasil said:

Myslím, že to není nutné. Písmo může absolutně podporovat všechny jazyky. (Kromě toho, že verze "oblasti" by stále nefungovaly pro lidi, kteří vyžadují funkční titulky ve více oblastech současně.)

Je to opravdu jen problém s jedním písmem. Ve skutečnosti, pokud načtete Noto Sans z Google Fonts , stejné písmo má správnou implementaci těchto zvláštních znaků používaných některými východoevropskými jazyky. Takže to není žádné technické omezení, pokud mohu soudit. Písmo zahrnuté v aplikaci je z jakéhokoli důvodu rozbité.

Why? We waited a year and a half... I don't know why the admin doesn't solve it at all..I think it's better to have a special package for emby because of the  languages.Admin could make a special package and it will be much better..I have one problem because of the admin, that they haven't solved it for a year and a half....I don't understand at all

The admin kept writing the same thing and phew




Edited by Houfino
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  • 3 weeks later...

The fact that admins are still ignoring this problem is so frustrating. Not a single new response, no news about solving the problem, absolutely nothing and the problem is very easy to fix. There are no signs at all by which you could notice that they at least tried to do something. Very disrespectful behavior.

Edited by Marcus1305
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I will switch to Plex after my monthly premiere subscription ends, as this issue occours on my Iphone and Apple 4K TV...forced subtitles are a pain in the ass...

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15 minutes ago, Marcus1305 said:

The fact that admins are still ignoring this problem is so frustrating. Not a single new response, no news about solving the problem, absolutely nothing and the problem is very easy to fix. There are no signs at all by which you could notice that they at least tried to do something. Very disrespectful behavior.

I agree with you....The admin is lazy and doesn't want to solve it for a year and a half.....Why do we pay emby when subtitles don't work....I don't like it that the admin of the show writes the same message..


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  • 1 month later...

Is there someone competent to solve this problem or you guys just dont know what to do? Is it problem to tell us you are just lost and you dont have enough knowledge? Just few words. At least say sorry.



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We have already done some research and testing and we found that the problem is the font, that cannot display those characters. Someone compiled the new version with the font from the old version and everything worked normally. It is not clear to me why one of the admins or devs did not get involved or at least respond because the solution has been found and is just waiting to be implemented in the next release.


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11 hours ago, Luke said:

OK, at least for the test file provided in the first post, this will be resolved in Emby for Android 3.2.82+. Thanks.

Really?  I'm curious if you will do it or not....

When will it be? Thank you


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Před 20 hodinami Luke řekl:

Toto je ve verzi 3.2.82+ a nyní je v beta kanálu obchodu. Dík.

IT WORKS!!! Thank you. can i ask you? Why is it taking you so long??

I hope that the show will work in the future... We need to watch emby and functional 🙂

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20 hours ago, Luke said:

This is in 3.2.82+ and is in the store beta channel now. Thanks.


When will it be available on Android TV or Emby server?

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