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  2. Yes this behavior makes perfect sense. However it seems to actually be doing something like this (given the time taken per movie, and the log): -Client wakes from sleep (Kodi already running) -Ask Emby server for updates -n number of Movies need to update (for what it's worth - this seems to be mainly Subtitle downloads right now, as the library is not significantly changing otherwise) -update Movie metadata -evaluate need to update Boxsets for this movie -> always returns "you need to update ALL boxsets" # bug? -update ALL boxsets, add relevant movies to each, move to next movie in queue Let me see if I can change the movie library significantly enough to trigger an update on Kodi, and then we can try to better prove my theory.
  3. pbathuk

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    Understood, but does that mean if a user (a device) uses hardware transcoding, their device counts towards my limit? Or is the payment for unlocking the feature enough or if I had enough devices HW transcoding through a 7 day period (say 26) would I need to upgrade my license? This is where things become a gray area to me.
  4. pwhodges

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    Software transcoding is not a Premiere feature - hardware transcoding is. Paul
  5. On Kodi startup sync: Boxsets are updated if Emby server reports changes. For realtime sync, each changed content will be checked if assigned to a boxset.
  6. andrewds

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

  7. Yes please try 10.X. I changed couple of thinks for boxset sync. Anyway, your log shows you deleted around 150 boxsets. Not sure why, but seems Emby server reported that. Followup records in the log shows adding boxset again. Probably also 150... Seems you rebuild all the boxsets on Emby server. Also no issue, crashes or anything odd is reported in the log. I'll check your described pattern...
  8. BlackDub

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    You will never know, they don't want you to know what devices premiere uses, ask yourself why
  9. kikinjo

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    In this example i talked about one server, not multiple. Secondly, your explanation does not make any sense at all. Devices are separate from premiere, yes we know that don't repeat it constantly, those devices are exactly the devices that are tied to mine premiere, not your shield, or lukes amazon stick, these devices are used on emby server and SOME of them use premiere, ok ? Can we finally give it a rest now with nonsense explanations. Asking third time, How is logicality possible that that list shows TOTAL of 36 devices on whole emby server and emby server is saying that limit of 45 devices has been reached using only 1 server.
  10. pbathuk

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    Can I just ask, is transcoding counted as a device premier feature? I am confused as I have a few clients that need it, so am paying for premier (as want to support you guys + unlock live TV etc). But if the end user is not using live TV and is using an app that does not need unlocking (I think most do to be honest - but let's says they paid for it) then would they count towards my device count if the only thing they are doing is transcoding?
  11. I seem to be having the "repetitive boxsets updates" issue, too. I'm not sure what I did. I can reproduce this on Nexus 20.5, Omega 21.0, with Emby for Kodi Next-gen 9.4.21. The pattern seems to be: update single Movie entry -> update ALL boxsets and add relevant movies to each -> repeat until all Movies are updated. If I delete all Collections on the Emby server, everything continues to work great and sync is then really fast. I had the server recreate all Collections from metadata, and it's instantly back to reproducing this issue on Kodi clients. Behavior is consistent across Android and Windows clients; syncs therefore take a really long time and occupy a lot of CPU time, but do eventually complete. I have done many "factory resets"/"reset local database"..initial sync goes great, then if any movies get updated, we're back to this issue. Minimally sanitized log from a Windows machine is attached. I can try 10.x.x if helpful. This is a new Emby install so I unfortunately don't have a "this started after version x.y.z". edit=some code spelunking partially for my own curiosity. I understand the `boxsets` class..and indeed if we're in `Boxsets.change` over and over, I can see why the CPU usage is driven high. Working to understand what evaluates the need to trigger that update - logically I get the workflow "movie changed -> update boxsets"..but why *every* boxset? I don't understand that code path yet. kodi.log
  12. Gilgamesh_48

    Back to PLEX i go..sad

    This is a quote from one of those threads. I do NOT think 3 years + is recent unless you are talking in geological terms. I guess we just experience time differently.
  13. MohamedKhaldi

    CoverArt: Show us your custom Overlay Templates

    ad here is a thinner version of those, i think those look better icothin.zip
  14. Gilgamesh_48

    Watched status displayed incorrectly after episode played.

    mistakenly posted.
  15. ebr

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    Those devices are completely separate from the Premiere count. Two possibilities - devices can be removed from that list and your key may be on more than one server. 0. Browsers don't count in the Premiere count. This is indicated in the Emby Premiere Feature Matrix
  16. ebr

    Back to PLEX i go..sad

    Okay, I just needed a translation of what you considered "screwed up". Some things like that are pretty tricky when they are only in very specific situations. But, also, both of those are relatively recent and they are in the works.
  17. kikinjo

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    So not all are premiere, yes we knew that and no one said they all are, i just pointed that that is the ONLY location that is a starting point to see all devices used and starting point to see how much deices are used on emby server, but all of this you already knew. Answer the 2 questions that i posted. If everything is clear as you point it through the posts than answering those 2 questions should be easy.
  18. Hi. You will need to make sure the firewall on the server machine is allowing traffic to the server process. It sounds like it isn't. First, make sure your network on the server machine is set to "Private" and NOT "Public". Then check the firewall rules. When you first installed the server, you should have gotten a message from the Windows firewall saying that the server wanted access. If you denied that, that would cause this problem.
  19. Hi. I don't think there is anything in the app log that will tell us anything. It is just progressing with playback until you start pausing and jumping back. I suspect this is the HLS segments getting mixed up during the remux/transcode. It could indicate a timing issue in the file itself (like it was stitched together or something) or could be some other anomaly. Please send the server and ffmpeg logs to Luke.
  20. js28194

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    Addons - Video Addons - Emby for Kodi - Configure - Playback - Message Box Automatic Close after X Seconds - Change the value to 15
  21. Today
  22. Imeneo

    Recordar reproducción

    Hola. Acabo de instalar la última versión de Emby en un ordenador Debian. Básicamente lo utilizo para escuchar música, tanto en el navegador como en el móvil. El problema que tengo es que si cierro el navegador cuando estoy escuchando música, Emby no recupera la lista de canciones que estaba reproduciendo, así como la canción activa. Esto también me pasa en el móvil. Sabeis si esto tiene solución? Gracias. Saludos
  23. shackbill

    Cant Reach Server

    I just built a backup server in a cloud account i have. I have no problem connecting and managing it from inside my LAN from my desktop computer but if i try to connect using an app on my iPhone or Samsung TV i get a CANT REACH SERVER error. Ive also tried to turn off the wifi on my iPhOne and connect thru cellular and i get the same error. I turned on debug on the logs to see if it was attempting a connect but i dont see anything. Any ideas on what else i should check this seems like a very basic issue but i cant think of what im doing wrong. embyserver.txt
  24. Schebberle

    Emby Theater on RPI-5

    Hi for about an hour i'm trying now to use a R-Pi 5 as Media player with Emby Theater for my library. right now i tried 2 different versions of the Pi image directly: emby-theater-rpi_3.0.19_armhf.img and emby-theater-rpi_3.0.16_arm64.img these 2 do not boot and are calling an incompatible OS. Since i got no luck with these 2, i tried to boot into Ubuntu, installed Emby theater over the "app store" clicked start, and... nothing happened. did a reboot tried again. nothing. is there any way i can use Emby theater with an RPI5 at the moment?
  25. I'm running Emby in a container on the newest Unraid. Got this weird problem with the "Continue Watching" list on the home screen: Items from my TV library are being shown twice. The library itself shows them correctly. Other user profiles have the same problem. This is how it looks: The first item is from my "Movies" library, following that are 2 episodes from my "TV" library. After that is an episode from the "Anime" library. Only the items from the TV library are being displayed twice. It happens with every single show from that library and each show has only one version (one file per episode). My library setup: The shows are only listed once in the TV library itself (as well as the episodes when you open a show or season): While writing this, i noticed that shows (including episodes) are showing up twice in the search as well: TL;DR: Episodes are being duplicated in "Continue Watching" and search results, library is fine. I have attached my embyserver.txt file. embyserver.txt
  26. Just happened and while trying to grab logs my emby server crashed and rebooted. I did have debug turned on in the roku settings and did the Send Log option. It happened while watching Star Trek Discovery around 11:24 eastern and 24:52 into the show. I rewound a couple times so it would show it a few times in that time frame. As long as I stay in that spot and pause and go back it will keep doing it. If I stop the show and then resume the same spot doesn't keep happening. I have the embyserver and ffmeg logs to send too when ready. Thanks Edit: Caught another one, same show during the credits, 56:15 into the show. Around 12:19p eastern. Sent logs from Roku.
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