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  1. Past hour
  2. Eukshark

    remote issuse

    Hi was there anything in the log indicating what the problem could be? thanks
  3. Luke

    Emby stops working after upgrade to 4.8.7

    Right if you go from 4.9 to 4.8 then you would have to do that. Thanks for following up.
  4. Yea is there a reason for setting the quality setting so low on the local network?
  5. Try using the option from the Emby app instead of the Emby android tv app. They both support these channels so it might be confusing which is which. You might find it easier to uninstall the android tv app in order to test this. Thanks.
  6. hi, android app and emby theater
  7. Luke

    Live TV won't stop transcoding

    Right that is the live tv buffer.
  8. Luke

    Playlists gone after upgrade to

    OK, have you tried running a library scan?
  9. Luke

    Local User account logins

    Correct, yes.
  10. Flest

    Bug. Volume level problem

    direct play
  11. Hispanico957

    Emby on Androd TV recommended and recent issues

    Yes of course.. Hispa
  12. seanbuff

    Emby on Androd TV recommended and recent issues

    I think CBers was asking if you have the Emby Android TV (ATV) app installed
  13. For the last 8 days, my synology server no longer sleeps. Since there are a lot of things that can cause this I went through all services and packages and narrowed this issue down to emby. Looking at the emby server log file (attached) there is a repeating error once a second or so, and I'm guessing the near continual writes to the log file are stopping hibernation. As far as I can tell, emby is otherwise functioning perfectly. I wish I knew what changed 8 days ago - happy to try anything I can. TIA embyserver.txt
  14. TobiasRedel

    Top Picks support thread

    I can’t find the plugin on the catalog (running Emby on docker). Where can I find the plugin?
  15. Question for you guys, how does it compare trying to do the same thing with the left and right keys as opposed to ff/rew?
  16. Luke

    Bug. Volume level problem

    HI, is this only when transcoding is occurring? If yes, then you could try the server transcoding option called audio boost when downmixing. Is downmixing occurring in this session? I'd have to see the ffmpeg log as well. thanks.
  17. Lessaj

    Playback error, no compatible streams available

    I don't see an ffmpeg process kicking off when the ipad is used, which would be needed since the bitrate is capped at 4 Mbps and the media is about 40 Mbps. These are local devices right? If the playback quality is set to auto, try moving up to a higher bitrate, it might be able to direct play instead.
  18. Scozz1976

    Emby stops working after upgrade to 4.8.7

    I had the same issue with 4.8.7. Tried and it was ok.. Reinstalled 4.8.7 and the problem came back. Ended up renaming library.db to library.corrupt and starting with a fresh database.
  19. Today
  20. Riptide126

    Playback error, no compatible streams available

    Sorry I was super busy this weekend, finally got around to this, I have attached the emby server log and ffmpeg log file, the timestamp should be around 2024-05-28 21:46:54.934. I first tried it on the account that the ipad is normally used on and it failed, I then switched to the same account I use on the iphone and it failed, and finally I tried on the iphone and it played immediately. If there is anything else you need from me please let me know and once again thank you so much for you help. ffmpeg-transcode-470cfade-8673-4db9-a4fc-2445c464fee4_1.txt embyserver.txt
  21. woenk

    Top Picks support thread

    Have you tried deleting the Top Picks library and redoing it a s mixed content ? (Have a copy of that library path before deleting it) The redo did the trick for me
  22. No, I don't know exactly when that happened. I'm often away from the NAS for a while and then the database is empty again because the media scan ran through and the folders from the second NAS weren't connected. My idea was to do it like Kodi, where there's an option where you can delete it manually. Now I have switched it to manual media scan and test before each scan whether everything is connected correctly
  23. PDdave

    Cant play Anything

    Hi, I have installed Emby client on my media box ( Tanix TX3 mini+) and my media is on a HD on the routers USB SMB server. The library shows up and all artwork info shows up in the Emby Server on the Android Box. But when I try to access it via the Mac App from my MacMin and try the one minute preview I just get a spinning wheel. Nothing plays. This is also true from the Android client app on the the media box. I turned transcoding off to see if it helps but no luck. I can access it through my mac mini and play files directly on the the routers USB Samba server no problem using VLC. Below is the log. Thanks for your time! 2024-05-29 11:56:46.911 Operating System: Android 7.1.2 (REL) SDK:NMr1 BuildId:NHG47L Incremental:20171220 Patch-Level: 2017-08-01 OS/Process: Arm/Arm Emby Server version: Operating system: Unix Command Line: /data/app/com.emby.embyserver-1/base.apk App: Emby for macOS 2.2.15 Dave’s Mac mini User-Agent: libmpv,hevc,mpeg2video&VideoBitrate=160000000&MaxWidth=3840&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=6&SegmentContainer=ts&SegmentLength=3&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&SubtitleStreamIndexes=-1&ManifestSubtitles=vtt&hevc-profile=Main,Main10&TranscodeReasons=DirectPlayError {"Protocol":"File","Id":"3889251f342df8a9f5e62b4f00794594","Path":"smb:// The Richardsons/S01/S01E01.mp4","Type":"Default","Container":"mp4","Size":0,"Name":"E01","IsRemote":false,"HasMixedProtocols":false,"SupportsTranscoding":true,"SupportsDirectStream":true,"SupportsDirectPlay":true,"IsInfiniteStream":false,"RequiresOpening":false,"RequiresClosing":false,"RequiresLooping":false,"SupportsProbing":false,"MediaStreams":[],"Formats":[],"RequiredHttpHeaders":{},"AddApiKeyToDirectStreamUrl":false,"ReadAtNativeFramerate":false,"ItemId":"14345"} >>>>>> User policy for pdmedia Enable Playback Remuxing: True Enable Video Playback Transcoding: False Enable Audio Playback Transcoding: False /data/data/com.emby.embyserver/files/ffmpeg/ffmpeg -y -copyts -start_at_zero -f mp4 -i "" -vn -an -sn -max_delay 5000000 -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f segment -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -segment_format mpegts -segment_list "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.emby.embyserver/files/transcoding-temp/FA84BF/FA84BF.m3u8" -segment_list_type m3u8 -segment_time 00:00:03.000 -segment_list_entry_prefix hls/FA84BF/ -segment_start_number 0 -individual_header_trailer 0 -write_header_trailer 0 "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.emby.embyserver/files/transcoding-temp/FA84BF/FA84BF_%d.ts" WARNING: linker: /data/data/com.emby.embyserver/files/ffmpeg/ffmpeg: unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x8000001 CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/data/data/com.emby.embyserver/files/ffmpeg/ffmpeg": cannot locate symbol "glob" referenced by "/data/data/com.emby.embyserver/files/ffmpeg/ffmpeg"...
  24. Hispanico957

    Emby on Androd TV recommended and recent issues

    ATV Launcher Pro ? ...no i use standard Home of NVidia Shield Pro. Hispa
  25. Brian_Oblivion

    Live TV won't stop transcoding

    Yes. With the "Android" version streaming one of these troublesome channels, it reported direct streaming across the board on the client and on the emby dashboard. I still do see files being created in the transcoding temp directory for emby. And those files grow and new ones get added while watching (*.ts files). It's easy to see since I am the sole person watching a channel :-). When I tune away, the directory/files all disappear (cleaned up).
  26. Danke für den Tipp. Habs gefunden lasse es mal laufen werde berichten was so passiert ist, wenn das durch ist.
  27. scrubdude

    Can't find SRT subtitles for Anime

    make sure both titles match exactly except for the .srt at the end of course for the subs and it should show up. I just tested this
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