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  1. Past hour
  2. I have been running the Emby server as proved in the Synology package Center: I tried to update to the latest version on the web site: emby-server-synology72_4.8.5.0_x86_64.spk After the update I kept getting a "Forbidden" error when going to the URL in the browser. I then removed the package again and removed the "appdata/Embyserver" directory and re-installed the downloaded update .spk Was able to get Emby to run but then not able to get to any of the backup files to restore. So I removed everything again, removed the config directory and just re-installed from the Synology package center. After that I was able to restore my configurations from backup. Is there something special that needs to be done to get the latest update if one has used the Package Center version?
  3. ebr

    Back to PLEX i go..sad

    You have more than just that one?
  4. Hi. I would first confirm that you can access your server from a browser on another machine on your network. You can use your phone or another PC on the same network as the server PC. If that does not work, then the firewall on the server machine is probably blocking traffic. Connectivity
  5. Topazze

    Serveur Emby sur NAS qnap

    Un ts 251 Un vieux truc mais qui marche super 16 To dessus
  6. I finally made the jump from 4.7.14 to 4.8.5. Since then while watching shows it will sporadically skip back.5s or 1s ish and replay. Just like a quick rewind and then plays that same 1s over and keeps going on with the show. No stopping or errors on screen. It has done it with several different shows now so it doesn't seem to be a bad file etc. I'm running emby on windows 11 and using Rokus. It has done it on 2 different rokus. No subtitles or anything extra. A couple times the app would just crash, I would reopen, start show and it would crash again after a few seconds. One time I noticed on the dashboard that the show was still playing After I rebooted everything I haven't seen that happen again, just the shows skipping back. I found a spot in a show that kept doing it, but after I enabled debug logging on the server and roku it didn't do it again. So I'm still working on getting a log. Please let me know who might work this issue so I can send them my log once I get it, I don't like to post logs publicly. Thanks
  7. mrb002

    Downloads Vanishing?

    when i got back to my home network, i went to the server panel, checked the Downloads tab, opened up the download list for that phone and hit save... the phone immediately started downloading again.
  8. ebr

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    This is not correct. The devices you see in your server are not Premiere devices.
  9. mrb002

    Downloads Vanishing?

    this just happened to me this morning on android as well. app data was not cleared. i checked the app data and there was ~110mb in there instead of the several GB of downloaded content. haven't had this happen before so i'm wondering if android has some new setting to "clean" up large apps.
  10. ebr

    Emby often freezes during playback

    We said it will direct play when possible. In that case, it isn't possible as you proved by disabling the transcoding.
  11. Tek55

    Firestick Lite transcoding HEVC

    In my case it's actually not the Lite version, but a FireTV Stick 3rd Gen, which has the same build model number as the Lite (AFTSS) and supports the same video codecs. It's a possibility, I guess.
  12. Today
  13. New recording this night confirms that external ids AND episode number are matching.
  14. groenator

    Live TV - Programmers remove banners based on keywords

    How is this possible? Do I need to raise a feature request?
  15. jaycam99

    Conversions que

    Hi, here are screenshots. I've from the top of the conversion que, one from about half way with the list, and I've from the very bottom. You can see the same titles are in each.
  16. MJK79

    Live TV Italia canali rai e Mediaset problemi

    Salve a tutti, continuo questa discussione visto che l'argomento è in costante evoluzione. Ho recentemente provato ad impostare la live TV su Emby, in particolare i canali del digitale terrestre italiano. Lista canali aggiornata: https://github.com/Tundrak/IPTV-Italia/releases (iptvitaplus.v03-2024.HLS.m3u) Guida: http://www.epgitalia.tv/uncategorized/xml/ =>su VLC: Funziona quasi tutto, unica pecca i canali MEDIASET...sono senza audio, che cessa dopo pochi secondi di trasmissione. Canali RAI perfetti, in HD... TUTTI =>su Emby: Canali MEDIASET PERFETTI con anche l'audio, Ma non si vedono i Canali RAI (eccetto RAI Gulp). Nessun errore ma lo schermo rimane nero con loading infinto. No video no audio. Settaggi di VLC: NESSUNO; Settaggi di Emby: Http User Agent x Chrome => (altrimenti RAI e MEDIASET danno ERRORE... es.403 Forbidden) Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Provando a impostare VLC come lettore esterno solo per lo streaming internet (live tv) su Emby Theater non si risolve il problema: il programma si apre regolarmente ma non è in grado di riprodurre il {path} passato da Emby (per i CANALI RAI e MEDIASET). Inoltre, con lettore esterno così impostato NON FUNZIONA PIU LA RIPRODUZIONE DEGLI ALTRI VIDEO (Film e Serie TV). Il dettaglio dei canali che danno problemi ad Emby (ma NON a VLC) nell'm3u è il seguente: #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="Rai1.it" tvg-chno="1" tvg-logo="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tundrak/IPTV-Italia/logos/rai1.png" group-title="Rai",Rai 1 #EXTVLCOPT:http-user-agent=HbbTV/1.6.1 http://mediapolis.rai.it/relinker/relinkerServlet.htm?cont=2606803&output=7&forceUserAgent=raiplayappletv Soluzioni? MJK79
  17. kikinjo

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    And 7 days you can sign to the moon until that "device" is still counted
  18. BlackDub

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    and if you update the browser to another version it will also count as a new device
  19. Hello Luc Est ce que tu préfères que je continue en Français ou en Anglais ? J'ai pris l'adresse IP que j'ai trouvée sur Emby SUR LE PC. Il y en a une en HTTP ..... et l'autre en HTTPS Port 8096 J'ai essayé les deux adresses (plusieurs fois) sur la Shield mais il ne se passe rien Pas de message d'erreur, rien. Comme si je n'écrivais rien sur l'écran. Je suis désespérée car Emby est super.
  20. kikinjo

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    2 questions for @ebr 1. Under any user in emby UI, under devices access, there are all known devices on emby server listed. This information is going to emby servers for counting. How is logicality possible that that list shows TOTAL of 36 devices, and emby server is saying that limit of 45 devices has been reached ? I repeat again, that list shows ALL devices on emby server. 2. If 1 user uses 3 different browsers on SAME MACHINE DEVICE (firefox, safari, IE), and plays 3 movies in a week, all transcoded so it is premiere feature. How many devices in this case is counted ? 3 or 1. I repeat again, 3 difffrent browsers on same user under devices shows 3 devices for same user but 3 browsers are listed separately, so they are counted as 3. So many things are broken here....so many....
  21. Q-Droid

    How to change emby user?

    You're getting closer. Look into Sonarr and Radarr since SANnzbd is not really suited for media file management. Multiple users are not a problem, here's an example of how to permanently make the files and directories accessible to all of them: https://emby.media/support/articles/Linux-Unix-Permissions.html?q=linux You can change the runtime user and group for emby. If you decide to make this change then BEFORE you start the server you have to also recursively change the ownership of all of the files and directories in the EMBY_DATA location, usually /var/lib/emby, and any other paths you've modified already. How to edit the Emby server service unit so that it doesn't revert after an update/upgrade. But in your case you want to edit the User and maybe Group values: [Service] User= Group=
  22. juro1971

    Emby Server on Raspberry PI 4b 4gb

    found it
  23. juro1971

    Emby Server on Raspberry PI 4b 4gb

    Hi I download the package and it could not be installed. Then I tried this one Debian Armv7 (armhf) Download emby-server-deb_4.8.5.0_armhf.deb dpkg -i emby-server-deb_4.8.5.0_armhf.deb Open a web browser to http://localhost:8096 The installation with ssh "dpkg -i emby-server-deb_4.8.5.0_armhf.deb" did not function, so I installed via the PI GUI. But I think this one is the right package: emby-server-deb_4.8.5.0_arm64.deb So I would like to remove /purge this package emby-server-deb_4.8.5.0_armhf.deb first Ho can I do this via the GUI or SSH? Thanks! JuRo
  24. MohamedKhaldi

    CoverArt: Show us your custom Overlay Templates

    this one was missing, forgot to pack it, name the file codec_aac.png
  25. Shoopoo

    Emby SqLite log entries flood

    I recently added a new series with about 500 episodes. Since then I'm getting these log messages: 2024-05-02 11:57:48.812 Info App: Sqlite: 284 - automatic index on itemlinksexcludeinheritedtagids(ItemId) 2024-05-02 11:57:48.815 Info App: Sqlite: 284 - automatic index on itemlinksexcludeinheritedtagids(ItemId) 2024-05-02 11:57:48.857 Info App: Sqlite: 284 - automatic index on LastWatchedEpisodes(SeriesPresentationUniqueKey) 2024-05-02 11:57:48.857 Info App: Sqlite: 284 - automatic index on itemlinksexcludeinheritedtagids(ItemId) 2024-05-02 11:57:48.861 Info App: Sqlite: 284 - automatic index on itemlinksexcludeinheritedtagids(ItemId) 2024-05-02 11:57:49.740 Info App: Sqlite: 284 - automatic index on itemlinksexcludeinheritedtagids(ItemId) 2024-05-02 11:57:49.742 Info App: Sqlite: 284 - automatic index on itemlinksexcludeinheritedtagids(ItemId) 2024-05-02 11:57:49.755 Info App: Sqlite: 284 - automatic index on itemlinksexcludeinheritedtagids(ItemId) 2024-05-02 11:57:54.702 Info App: Sqlite: 284 - automatic index on itemlinksexcludeinheritedtagids(ItemId) It's kinda flodding the log. I already restarted Emby, vacuumed the database and ran this: root@emby:/var/lib/emby/data# sqlite3 library.db "PRAGMA integrity_check" ok What can I do more to stop that flooding? Using Emby on Ubuntu. Also dunno if this is something I have to worried about in terms of stability?
  26. vaise

    Live TV stops after 3 seconds

    I just cam on to search and post a similar issue. i dont actually watch live TV but I do have emby record the news each night. emby is recording from the Hdhr tuners (very old HDHR dual devices). the last two days, the recording is located, then freezes/stops playback. only change is I took the latest prod release the day this started. i will be doing some tests over the coming days (record native from m3u in TVHeadend etc) so I won’t post logs until I have more info. just chiming in as you have a few reports and maybe more the better.
  27. kikinjo

    Emby Premier Costs etc.

    One week thing is too long, as server admin you don't have any means to clean devices or anything, that's the point. Browsers count, you can see every browser used on users device access in emby UI. If browsers were not counted and i m not talking about browser who is using premiere features rather basic browser access browsing, i now would not be over the limit of 45 devices, because i don't have that many devices in total. Emby premiere devices counting and management for emby admins who bought emby premiere is flawed, thats a fact.
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