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  1. Past hour
  2. Bonjour, Tout d'abord, je m'excuse si la question a déjà été posée, mais après avoir cherché, je n'ai pas trouvé de réponse. Est-il possible d'enregistrer les métadonnées des films directement dans un fichier (ou dans le fichier du film en lui même) ? Cela me serait utile dans le cas où je devrais configurer une nouvelle machine avec les mêmes disques durs, sans devoir refaire les identifications, car certaines d'entre elles échouent sur certains de mes fichiers... Merci.
  3. chrisrobbins1970

    replace LOGO with POSTER

    That's it. I don't want a logo , I want to use the poster, but use the coverart plugin
  4. If I try to search for a video (file title name) when I am inside a category for example "Animation", an error accessing the server etc. always appears. If I do the same search on Film, that is, all the films are regularly found. Is it a bug or what? Thank Hispa
  5. braigo64

    playlists are deleted

    Here is the latest log. embyserver(8).txt
  6. softworkz

    Green bar at top of screen and image ghosting

    Let's start by looking at the output to see whether it's an issue on server or Roku side. @jshanklesCan you please re-enable DX11VA and start playback. Locate your transcoding-temp folder (C:\Users\jssha\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\programdata\transcoding-temp) and make sure it's empty. When playback starts, grab a few (5) segments (.ts ending), zip them up and send me via PM. Before, please check whether the issue happens at different resolutions. For this, please lower the "quality" setting to force downscaling. Thanks
  7. taromisaki

    Problem with database

    What solution do you propose?
  8. lundblad

    Emby stuck at boot - Ubuntu Server

    It happened at first full pc reboot after installing top picks, sry maybe not much help
  9. rbjtech

    How do I Clean up the Database?

    ' "include the quotes" ' - single quote will allow you to include the quotes in PS .. Anyway yes back to the issue ... Oh wow - so emby thinks these are all versions of Hawaii five-0 S10E21 ? Sounds like the db is very corrupt ... Does the backup/restore not let you restore the UserData table on a fresh library.db ? I throught that's exactly what this did below - ie from a backup (made on your corrupt db), you can just restore the user playstates. It's done by provider id - so it doesn't matter if it's a brand new db - the 'match' will still happen. Take a copy of all the db files (with emby shutdown) before even attempting this. It's probably quick than trying to individually 'ungroup' all these items - plus who knows what other corruption exists down the line - fresh db is always the way to go imo.
  10. I think using the /items/{id}/refresh API you should be able to create individual inotifiywait commands
  11. TallTrees

    Transcoding turned off in Settings makes no difference.

    Also attaching a snip from the Settings screen:
  12. chef

    Emby stuck at boot - Ubuntu Server

    is there any other information you can share in a log from that time. The Null exception is helpful, but it would be even more helpful to know what happened just before. Was a top picks library setup and used prior to the error, or was this error seen the first time top picks was run? thanks in advance for any extra details
  13. streamac

    External IDX/SUB (SUBRIP) subtitles not working

    I see there have been some work done regarding this in the latest versions. I can now see the subtitles again, but in direct play they are very small and in the corner of the screen. When transcoding they are bigger but slightly out of place and have different appearance compared to web playback. I'll add images so you can see the difference. The transcoded web playback looks like the correct DVD appearance. iPad direct play: iPad transcoded: Web transcoded playback:
  14. TallTrees

    Transcoding turned off in Settings makes no difference.

    Thanks, Luke. I am attaching the "failure" logs here. FYI, I see now that the problem files are always showing as 1080i, and the ones that work properly are 1080p. That was never an issue before, as the Avermedia recorder I use can only record in 1080i. I also have this same file transferred to 1080p, and can show those logs as well if you want. embyserver.1080i.txt ffmpeg-transcode-9f058b45-6d1a-4acd-bbbf-d9fd328cb79a_1.1080i.txt
  15. chef

    Emby stuck at boot - Ubuntu Server

    Okay, I'm not sure why we'd be seeing null exceptions in the entry point. But, I've got it open so I will take a look.
  16. chef

    Top Picks support thread

    I've pushed a compatibility update. Please keep me informed of anything g out of the ordinary. Thanks.
  17. Jakiesun

    error in introduction of actors

    The access of break in introduction of actors shows error.
  18. Hello, Here you are. embyserver-63851673600.txt
  19. Today
  20. chef

    Top Picks support thread

    Okay, on it
  21. quickmic

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    Even if you do nothing, the plugin will update automatically at some point (unless you disabled automatic updates)
  22. teils0x

    Ordenar capítulos

    hola lo tengo puesto como tu y nada en visualizacion solo me sale la primera temporada y las otras no aparecen
  23. Dibbes

    How do I Clean up the Database?

    For just paths, that will work, but I use a lot of pattern matching in the scripts. Guess what PowerShell uses for that? Anyway, getting off topic...
  24. dannicroax

    PlayCount per TV series via API?

    Thanks - I did look into that but I'm actually trying to code a small solution for myself regarding how I want to maintain my libraries and cleanup. The idea is to gather information if the TV show has been played by anyone and list all shows with zero plays. Then those shows get piped into Trakt to gather show rating and recommend shows that have low ratings and other factors to be deleted. Ultimately the solution will be able to remove the shows through Emby. I think I've gotten far enough on my own after this thread recommending adding UserDataPlayCount and UserDataLastPlayedDate to my requested fields: Ideally I'd want to be able to get this information on a show basis and not having to go through every users play activity per episode. I have 27 users with over 27.000 episodes which means scanning 729.000 times just to get the total play count, but for the current purpose of my solution this is good enough to begin with
  25. pwhodges

    Unable to Download Subtitles

    When did it last work? Have you updated from using opensubtitles.org to opensubtitles.com? Paul
  26. jaycedk

    How do I Clean up the Database?

    Guess you could put " " around the path in powershell, like you do with spaces.
  27. Cphusion

    Passkey Support

    Does that include a password reset process for local users on your server, so that those users can reset their own passwords?
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