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  2. Happy2Play

    Clone/Copy/Import settings user ?

    Currently no global options and would need to be updated individually. Best bet would probably be via the api and update per user as all you would have to change is userid. REST API Documentation Or create a user and config it to your needs and copy the files into other users and restart Emby.
  3. I made a SQL code to be able to search :. SELECT * FROM MediaItems WHERE (Path LIKE '%.mkv%' OR Path LIKE '%.mp4%' OR Path LIKE '%.avi%' OR Path LIKE '%.mpegts%') AND Path LIKE '%movies%'; The results are very good 597... one is missing.......
  4. noybman

    Clone/Copy/Import settings user ?

    For what it's worth, I was led to this post by you, on this other thread (see linked below). This other thread contains my answer tot he question you ask above (see linked below). While I get it, devices can contain different settings, I don't see it necessarily being relevant... maybe the USER would care (if I overwrote their preference should it be custom....) but nonetheless, I should be able to set a series of profile preferences (perhaps even everything) and share that, (or in this case UPDATE) everyone, instead of being forced to do it one at a time. Thanks.
  5. I found a way; I type 'movies' (all my movies were in this folder) and I sorted by 'Container' so I only see the files that are in .mkv, .avi etc... and not the subfolders. The issue is that I have about 19 movies that are not in a container but still have an extension. In Emby, I see 598 movies whereas I have 602 In fact, you should be able to search in the search bar for .mkv (etc...) and 'movies' to get everything.
  6. Happy2Play

    Transcoding-temp full

    Probably need to see the server log for a specific example as cleanup do to disc space should happen unless there as say permissions issues or something else as I don't believe any testing is done on Ram Drives as all.
  7. I don't think so. It's on a distant server, and I'd better subscribe to another one and make a new reinstall, but I have no time to do this at the moment. Is there a way to have Emby 4.8 working on Debian Stretch ?
  8. Anielarias

    Automatic version grouping for movies

    so this version fixes it not grouping, etc?
  9. Gabi92

    Transcoding-temp full

    Hi everyone. I´ve upgraded to premiere just to be able to use the gpu enconde and unlock other extra options, pretty nice. Now, here is my issue, i´ve a ram drive created of 512MiB in order to be used for emby transcode but it gets full in just secons for a 4K movie and it stops playing. The transcode keeps going but as the ram drive is full and emby doesn´t delete the old/already played files, it gets stuck until i stop the movie or i clean the directory by hand. Is there some workaround to solve it? Main idea about using the ram drive is to avoid wear in the main ssd as i use a proxmox server and there is no ssd dedicated for emby. Greetings
  10. Today
  11. lawm0500

    Automap Emby LiveTV Guide Data to custom .M3U

    I have this same issue. I have two channels I need guide data from, BBC Three / CBBC, and BBC Four / CBeebies. I know what the tvg-ids are for each channel, but I can't seem to populate the guide data for the channels even though they exist on platforms such as Channels DVR and on Stremium, which both use Gracenote. I need a way to grab the data and pull it into Emby, but I am having a hard time with it. If I can get any help with it in my m3u file, I would appreciate it. BBC Four / CBeebies guide ID: 97275 BBC Three / CBBC guide ID: 122508
  12. BrandonYoung

    ChromeOS Can't playback AV1 videos on web app player

    I don't know the cause, but I just powerwashed my Chromebook, and it looks like video playback is fixed.
  13. sftech13

    https not worling: pfx file is configured but not active

    after I'm getting this same issue. Ubuntu 20.04 I's using LE and cant see any errors. Ports are open and working. PFK is valid but EMBY will not work with it. Nothing in the logs. I use domain.me for my panel, and apps. They are all secure. When I try to apply cert. to EMBY it will not work using domain.me:8920 embyserver.txt
  14. Zekeman

    Changing File Path Name Question

    Thanks for the reply... this would be an exceptional feature to have!
  15. Happy2Play

    Correctly identified movie has the wrong images.

    Well personally I would say it was fixed when I went to TVDB and updated the incorrect external link providerids. Or at least 24 hours after I made the update as it takes about that long for the API to update.
  16. chrisrobbins1970

    uninstall emby / reinstall in a certain directory Synology DSM 7.2

    hmm...after unisntalling from synoligy package center and SSH..there is no embyserver Hoever when I did a reinstall...all settings were there..It did not do a fresh install.. what am I missing? this was the path: Version Folders Program Data - /var/packages/EmbyServer/var Cache - /var/packages/EmbyServer/var/cache Metadata - /var/packages/EmbyServer/var/metadata Logs - /var/packages/EmbyServer/var/logs Transcoding Temporary Files - /var/packages/EmbyServer/var/transcoding-temp
  17. chops3246

    Correctly identified movie has the wrong images.

    Ok so i updated to 4.8.6 and robin hood prince of thieves is now working. I removed identification from the movie record in emby and renamed the folders and parts like this (it is a multi-part movie on 2 discs) and now everything looks good! "Z:\Movies\Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (1991)\Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (1991)-disc1.mp4" "Z:\Movies\Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (1991)\Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (1991)-disc2.mp4" note: that "(year)-disc#.mp4" convention seems to be very picky. Even a space there will throw off the multi-part (and part 2 plays first and part 1 is the "additional parts" section). here's the new view in the web ui - looks good! the external ids all look correct now (no longer truncated). in addition, save the last dance is also correct now (remove identification in emby ui on the movie, then refresh metadata). movie named like: "Z:\Movies\Save the Last Dance (2001).mp4". now shows correct id's for this are also 100% correct now @Lukesince an update certainly fixed this, can you point to a pull request or bug report that accounts for this change? would be nice to know why this works with the update (and maybe what else i should watch for in my library). thanks for the update tip by the way.
  18. chops3246

    Correctly identified movie has the wrong images.

    sorry @Lukei will test it soon and report back. just lost track of this due to other stuff going on. @Happy2Playi'm not yet convinced what i was seeing as an external api issue. it really looked like emby would truncate certain records. again, i'll test with 4.8.6 and report back soon. i'm now.
  19. supermood

    dts x

    more important at least for me would be the info Page of a movie / show and the overlays
  20. chrisrobbins1970

    uninstall emby / reinstall in a certain directory Synology DSM 7.2

    thats it... it would so much easy is synolgy would let you JUST uninstall.. the SSH is a pain
  21. BrandonYoung

    ChromeOS Can't playback AV1 videos on web app player

    I used Handbrake to extract videos from my bluray and DVD collection. I used Handbrake's AV1 matroska preset, and basically kept the default settings, and just changed the audio and subtitle tracks to include.
  22. Luke

    dts x

    Hi, a filter where exactly?
  23. WMC_UI

    New WMC UI Build: 0.114.0

    A new Build of the WMC UI is available: https://github.com/EmbySupport/Emby.WMC.UI/releases/tag/0.114.0. Changelog:0.114.0 Maintenance only 0.113.0 Maintenance only 0.112.0 Fix GenericUI tabs Fix theme name
  24. Hi, it should just be a matter of removing the synology package from dsm and then manually deleting the server data folder: Emby Server Data Folder
  25. supermood

    dts x

    hi you can see dts x in the audio section if you want to choose one. can you implement a filter for it sometime? (there's only dts, not even dts ma..) and the info on the info pages should be there. and also the corresponding overlay on the disc's / poster would be great!! but maybe that's an add on I've lost the overview... all that also valid for atmos true HD and atmos eac3 and standard dd thanks!!!
  26. Kal_El

    Doublon de Films

    Good day to you, To answer your question Luke, I did as you asked, I deleted the library, did a scan then put the library back and then did a scan again. If you need more details, let me know. Je vais poster les 2 captures d'écrans, j'ai en effet les 2 chemin d'accès qui ce présente, l'un qui n’existe ainsi que le bon. Le chemin n'éxistant plus : Le bon :
  27. Luke

    ChromeOS Can't playback AV1 videos on web app player

    Yea mpv and vlc are a lot more robust than the browser video player and will be able to handle quite a bit more things. How were these files created?
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