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Issues with Database Clean


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Have been experimenting with Emby photo library options and been adding large volumes of photos to Emby to see if it can handle 500k of photos in multiple directories. Glad to see it can but have a few side effects that may or may not be related.


1) For the last few days database cleans have been taking huge amounts of time - the last one that completed was 15+hrs - is this normal for a large database - its currently at 1.8gb in size

1a) if i cancel it (wait a few minutes or hours) and restart the clean it jumps in a couple of seconds to 45% and stays there

2) checking task manager while doing a clean and nothing else going on on the server - Emby is running at 0.5 -1.5% cpu with 0.1mb/s disk access and minimal network usage - this appears very slow

3) currently the database clean has been running over night and is stuck at 45% for the last 5-6 hours

4) scanning the library still appears to work fine although it might also take 10+hrs to complete but is using approx 15% cpu and does slowly increase in % complete in  0.1% increments - is this related to the 500K photos or something else - this is not its first scan of the files

5) i have added and deleted large photo libraries over the last week or so during testing which may have confused the database


there is nothing in the logs about the clean process that i can see - but as its full of dlna errors at the moment (see my other recent post) its difficult to tell :)


I am quite happy to delete the database and start again but would like to understand whats wrong to try and avoid in the future

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lol nobody as mad as me then


have deleted db and am recreating to see if it cures the problem

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I guess the question would be if you removed the photo library are the scans normal?

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I had a similar issue on a TV library I added pictures to two of my TV series all of a sudden they would not appear on the show list. I have deleted the library db its currently rebuilding.

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Fixed the issue the rebuilt library did not work. I went to dashboard, expert, metadata manager and noticed that I had tripped the flag on the tv show's that were not showing up, content type from inherit to tv. I changed them back to inherit and it fixed my issue..

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