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Cover ratio not correct, stretched vertically.


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Ive been looking at ET for a while now, just got it installed again. Ive been using WMC and the EMC plugin for years with 'Chocolate theme', also have the Cover Art plugin installed.


All covers in EMC are a perfect ratio, they look great.


In ET all covers in either Movies/TV are stretched vertically. But, for example when I go into a TV series/Movie the main cover is presented in the correct ratio, but not the series covers.


Why cannot ET display the covers in the correct ratio? The EMC plugin has them displaying perfectly. Also why are they only in low-res where as EMC with chocolate them has beautiful crisp hi-res covers. Its like stepping backward from when EMC had low-res covers a few years ago.

Edited by niczoom
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what emby theater does (and web client) is pick pre-determined aspect ratio containers, and for movies that's 2:3. Then for each individual movie, if it thinks the poster aspect ratio is "close enough" to 2:3, then it does indeed stretch it in order to give all posters a uniform look. can you show a screenshot example?

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Ive just reinstalled the latest ET, and attached a few image examples:

  1. TV Posters - Original Size... shows tv posters when browsing my collection. These look vertically stretched too me, as well as low-res, not crisp hi-res in comparison to EMC.
  2. TV Poster Main - Inside Series..... shows the main series poster, this is in the correct ratio.
  3. TV Poster - Inside Series - Series Posters ...... Shows the season series posters, they look vertically stretched too me, same as the tv posters.
  4. TV Posters in Emby for WMC ..... Shows how to posters look (for me) using Emby for WMC, they look great, correct ratio and hi-res.


what emby theater does (and web client) is pick pre-determined aspect ratio containers, and for movies that's 2:3. Then for each individual movie, if it thinks the poster aspect ratio is "close enough" to 2:3, then it does indeed stretch it in order to give all posters a uniform look

Well, however ET organizes its posters behind the scenes should the end result not be the same as how 'Emby for WMC' presents its posters? --- With the correct ratio and in hi-res. Both programs are using the same database to get their images from anyway.





Edited by niczoom
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