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A couple of interesting issues


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I have noticed a couple of interesting behaviours on the weekend and thought I would post them to help move this awesome experience along.


A bit of background I control my Emby Theater with a Logitech Ultimate One universal remote control.


When I am on the home page for movies or TV if I have highlighted a tile for a show or movie and then go to arrow across to the right from it on the remote, if I press the button just as the tile is about to flip to show the image from the episode rather than the show, the focus moves to the tile below rather than the tile to the right.


If I watch a Movie from the front page, IE I go to the movies page then select a movie on that page and go into it and play it.  If I watch it to completion then exit back out to the front page when the contents of the page are refreshed to remove the image for the movie just watched the focus is also lost.  It is like the focus was on the tile that was removes and then did not change to any other tile.  I need to press back to restart Emby Theater to be able to start using the app again.


The first one is a bit surprising when it happens but the second one is annoying.  Neither are show stoppers just rough endges that could do with smoothing out.

Edited by joshstix
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