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Favorite songs with multi-disc albums bug


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This is a minor issue with the api, and the server. Every client suffers from it as a result. But to expose the bug, If you use the web client (or any client that can favorite songs) and favorite a song (for example track 4 on disc 1) it will add every track 4 from every disc in that collection as a favorite too. This obviously isnt the intended behavior. What you would expect is the single track 4 from disc 1 is favorited. This causes favorite songs to contain songs never favorited. This is a bug isnt it?




I only favorited this one song, on this one disc. Not the other nine track 4's on the 9 other discs.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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the values that are used for the user data key are the album music brainz id's (if present, otherwise the emby album id), along with the disc number and track number taken from song metadata. if you have the same album split into multiple folders for each disc but you haven't actually populated the Disc id3tag, then yes you will see this problem.

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That answers the question perfectly. I thought it might have something to do with missing and incorrect id3 tags. So this isnt a bug. More of garbage in, garbage out. I was pulling my hair on this thinking I was crazy. Good to know I am not. Thanks luke.

Edited by speechles
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