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Connection to Chromecast Failing


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I'm having a weird problem. When I try to connect to Chromecast the button shows up, I can tap it and then my Chromecast device shows up. If I then tap my Chromecast device nothing happens. If I go into another app (I've been using Plex) and connect that with Chromecast, I can then go back and connect Emby to my Chromecast with no problem.


I cleared my logs on my phone and then tried to connect once. Here are the logs from that:

19:35:20.009 [main] DEBUG App - AndroidSyncFileRepository started. syncPath: /storage/emulated/0/emby/sync
19:35:20.013 [main] DEBUG App - Calling MediaSyncAdapter.updateSyncPreferences with null
19:35:22.610 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Begin MediaBrowser.ConnectionManager constructor
19:35:22.616 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - credentials initialized with: {"Servers":[{"Id":"819c3c8c50174e0e89f2911e6c8583fa","LocalAddress":"","Name":"Emby","ManualAddress":null,"DateLastLocalConnection":1443908403857,"LastConnectionMode":0,"DateLastAccessed":1443908421447,"ExchangeToken":null,"RemoteAddress":"http://EXTERNAL-IP-REMOVED:8096","ConnectServerId":"f232293bd9b509217c5f9a9932bae6c2","UserId":"4845fa04ed5f4104bf3475424c834c06","AccessToken":"b1505e8389b044bfb08644c1edca4301","WakeOnLanInfos":[{"MacAddress":"6C-62-6D-3E-DA-7A"}],"Users":[{"Id":"4845fa04ed5f4104bf3475424c834c06","IsSignedInOffline":true},{"Id":"466a277c898349f59512c0d2db8ef53e","IsSignedInOffline":false},{"Id":"f1cae19018cf41fb8a5b21dbc1d71b8b","IsSignedInOffline":false},{"Id":"944ce5739cd143c8b647312721f9cecc","IsSignedInOffline":false}]}],"ConnectAccessToken":null,"ConnectUserId":null}
19:35:22.620 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - testing connection mode 0 with server Emby
19:35:22.621 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - tryConnect url:
19:35:22.668 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - calling onSuccessfulConnection with connection mode 0 with server Emby
19:35:22.715 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - event.trigger localusersignedin
19:35:22.725 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - event.trigger credentialsupdated
19:35:22.738 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - ApiClient serverAddress:
19:35:22.739 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - ApiClient clientName: Emby for Android
19:35:22.740 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - ApiClient applicationVersion: 2.4.30
19:35:22.741 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - ApiClient deviceName: XT1254
19:35:22.742 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - ApiClient deviceId: e2f1fa04-0e04-a3a3-9900-051184688438
19:35:22.745 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - event.trigger apiclientcreated
19:35:22.748 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - returning instance from getOrAddApiClient
19:35:22.750 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Begin updateServerInfo. connectionMode: 0
19:35:22.750 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Setting server address to
19:35:22.753 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Requesting url without automatic networking:
19:35:22.761 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Entering Globalize.ensure
19:35:22.763 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Calling navigator.globalization.getLocaleName
19:35:22.777 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - event.trigger connected
19:35:22.780 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Device culture is en-US
19:35:22.782 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Setting culture to en-US
19:35:23.234 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - sending updated credentials to ApiClientBridge
19:35:23.244 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Received instruction to updateCredentials
19:35:23.253 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - initNativeConnectionManager
19:35:23.255 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - ApiClientBridge.init
19:35:23.529 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - event.trigger headercreated
19:35:23.545 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Requesting
19:35:23.570 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - event.trigger pageshowready
19:35:23.600 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Active player: {"name":"My Device","id":"e2f1fa04-0e04-a3a3-9900-051184688438","playerName":"Html5 Player","playableMediaTypes":["Audio","Video"],"isLocalPlayer":true,"supportedCommands":["GoHome","GoToSettings","VolumeUp","VolumeDown","Mute","Unmute","ToggleMute","SetVolume","SetAudioStreamIndex","SetSubtitleStreamIndex","DisplayContent","GoToSearch","DisplayMessage","SetRepeatMode"]}
19:35:23.844 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - binding fullscreen to MediaController
19:35:23.847 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - binding remotecontrols to MediaController
19:35:23.902 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - web socket connection opened
19:35:23.948 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - selected tab is null, checking query string
19:35:23.954 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - selected tab will be 0
19:35:24.027 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - event.trigger websocketopen
19:35:24.050 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - isPurchased: com.mb.android.unlock
19:35:24.132 [main] INFO  App - Sending url to webView: window.IapManager.updateProduct("com.mb.android.unlock", false)
19:35:24.154 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - event.trigger productupdated
19:35:24.556 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Requesting
19:35:24.655 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Requesting
19:35:24.672 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Requesting
19:35:24.681 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Requesting
19:35:24.690 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Requesting
19:35:29.135 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Requesting
19:35:30.517 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Will attempt to connect to Chromecast
19:35:30.527 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Binding device ready handler
19:35:30.529 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Calling device.connect
19:35:30.541 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - device.ready fired
19:35:30.544 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - creating webAppSession
19:35:30.545 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - calling joinWebApp
19:35:30.557 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - joinWebApp error: {"message":"Exception calling joinWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.joinWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference","detail":"com.connectsdk.cordova.JSCommandDispatcher$DispatcherException: Exception calling joinWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.joinWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference"}
19:35:30.558 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - calling joinWebApp
19:35:30.565 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - joinWebApp error: {"message":"Exception calling joinWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.joinWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference","detail":"com.connectsdk.cordova.JSCommandDispatcher$DispatcherException: Exception calling joinWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.joinWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference"}
19:35:30.566 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - calling launchWebApp
19:35:30.567 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - calling launchWebApp
19:35:30.572 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - launchWebApp error:{"message":"Exception calling launchWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.launchWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference","detail":"com.connectsdk.cordova.JSCommandDispatcher$DispatcherException: Exception calling launchWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.launchWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference"}
19:35:53.946 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - keyCode

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I just rebooted my phone and it connected right away twice in a row. EDIT: I rebooted the Chromecast and then tried again and it didn't work.


I'm including the logs I pulled which show the difference when connecting successfully and not connecting.

Successful Connection

11:49:18.089 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Will attempt to connect to Chromecast
11:49:18.110 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Binding device ready handler
11:49:18.116 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Calling device.connect
11:49:18.494 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - device.ready fired
11:49:18.496 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - creating webAppSession
11:49:18.497 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - calling joinWebApp
11:49:18.513 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - joinWebApp error: {"code":2005,"detail":"Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 2005, resolution=null}"}
11:49:18.515 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - calling joinWebApp
11:49:18.527 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - joinWebApp error: {"code":2005,"detail":"Status{statusCode=unknown status code: 2005, resolution=null}"}
11:49:18.529 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - calling launchWebApp
11:49:18.530 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - calling launchWebApp
11:49:21.400 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - launchWebApp success. calling onSessionConnected
11:49:21.416 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - session.connect succeeded
11:49:21.421 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Active player: {"playerName":"Chromecast","playableMediaTypes":["Audio","Video"],"isLocalPlayer":false,"appName":"Chromecast","supportedCommands":["VolumeUp","VolumeDown","Mute","Unmute","ToggleMute","SetVolume","SetAudioStreamIndex","SetSubtitleStreamIndex","DisplayContent","SetRepeatMode","EndSession"],"deviceName":"dalek-cast","name":"dalek-cast","id":"a3648d95-9395-4c38-b132-647505d924b0"}
11:49:21.432 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - binding remotecontrols to Chromecast
11:49:21.437 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - {}
11:49:21.490 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - {}
11:49:21.505 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Requesting
11:49:21.529 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Requesting

Not Successful

11:47:27.374 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Will attempt to connect to Chromecast
11:47:27.387 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Binding device ready handler
11:47:27.390 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Calling device.connect
11:47:27.403 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - device.ready fired
11:47:27.406 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - creating webAppSession
11:47:27.408 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - calling joinWebApp
11:47:27.487 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - joinWebApp error: {"message":"Exception calling joinWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.joinWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference","detail":"com.connectsdk.cordova.JSCommandDispatcher$DispatcherException: Exception calling joinWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.joinWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference"}
11:47:27.488 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - calling joinWebApp
11:47:27.496 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - joinWebApp error: {"message":"Exception calling joinWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.joinWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference","detail":"com.connectsdk.cordova.JSCommandDispatcher$DispatcherException: Exception calling joinWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.joinWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference"}
11:47:27.498 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - calling launchWebApp
11:47:27.500 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - calling launchWebApp
11:47:27.505 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - launchWebApp error:{"message":"Exception calling launchWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.launchWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference","detail":"com.connectsdk.cordova.JSCommandDispatcher$DispatcherException: Exception calling launchWebApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void com.connectsdk.service.capability.WebAppLauncher.launchWebApp(java.lang.String, com.connectsdk.service.sessions.WebAppSession$LaunchListener)' on a null object reference"}
11:47:47.562 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Requesting
11:47:57.132 [JavaBridge] INFO  App - Requesting
Edited by Vallaqan
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Judging by the time you posted, in case you missed it, I'm posting again to say I've edited my post. It stopped working again after rebooting the Chromecast.

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