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Abort Subtitle download


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While using the scheduled subtitles download feature it would be useful to have the task abort if one has maxed out the daily download limit: 


Normally one would get a message similar to this one:

Subtitle with Id 1952024211 was not found. Name: SubtitleDownload method response. Status: SubtitleDownload method response hold all expected values from server.. Message: 407 Download limit reached MediaBrowser.Common.Extensions.ResourceNotFoundException at MediaBrowser.Providers.Subtitles.OpenSubtitleDownloader.d__3.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Subtitles.SubtitleManager.d__18.MoveNext()

Message: 407 Download limit reached... should flag the process to stop. This would avoid having hundreths (if like me, you are rebuilding a large library) of error messages and also may prevent us from being banned by opensubtitles.


I know one might opt to purchase a VIP account but if that is not possible/nor desirable the logic behid this task may be improved to identify the download limit and have the task end.

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I understand from asking the same question previously that the limit is internal to emby so you aren't overloading open subtitles. But also purchasing a vip account will make no difference

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Well then if the limit is internal to Emby it makes even more sense that Emby stops trying to download subtitles when the limit has been reached.

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