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MBA: no playback via Internet (again)


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Got an update today, and streaming does not work anymore (eighter with or without HLS enabled)


EDIT: Streaming via Webinterface is working fine.






11:19:18.172 [main] INFO  App - Application Version: 2.2.29
11:19:18.175 [main] INFO  App - Android Version: 5.0.1
11:19:18.175 [main] INFO  App - Device: GT-I9506
11:19:18.178 [main] INFO  App - Screen Width: 1080
11:19:18.178 [main] INFO  App - Screen Height: 1920
11:19:18.179 [main] INFO  App - Density: 3.0
11:19:18.179 [main] INFO  App - DensityDpi: 480
11:19:18.182 [main] INFO  App - Total Memory Available: 500 MB
11:19:18.182 [main] INFO  App - Max Memory usable per Application: 512 MB
11:19:18.182 [main] INFO  App - Application object initialized
11:19:18.511 [Thread-58860] DEBUG App - Testing local device network connection
11:19:18.513 [Thread-58860] DEBUG App - Android device is connected to a network
11:19:18.513 [Thread-58860] DEBUG App - Entering initial connection workflow
11:19:18.514 [Thread-58860] DEBUG App - Testing local device network connection
11:19:18.515 [Thread-58860] DEBUG App - Android device is connected to a network
11:19:18.515 [Thread-58860] DEBUG App - Getting saved servers via credential provider
11:19:18.567 [Thread-58860] DEBUG App - Scanning network for local servers
11:19:18.573 [Thread-58863] DEBUG App - mediabrowser.apiinteraction.discovery.ServerLocator>>> Request packet sent to: (DEFAULT)
11:19:18.592 [Thread-58863] DEBUG App - mediabrowser.apiinteraction.discovery.ServerLocator>>> Done looping over all network interfaces. Now waiting for a reply!
11:19:19.584 [Thread-58863] DEBUG App - Server discovery timed out waiting for response.
11:19:19.586 [Thread-58863] DEBUG App - Found 0 servers
11:19:19.650 [Thread-58863] DEBUG App - Looping through server list
11:19:19.650 [Thread-58863] DEBUG App - No saved authentication
11:19:19.652 [Thread-58863] INFO  App - **** SERVER SELECTION ****
11:19:19.652 [Thread-58863] DEBUG App - Testing local device network connection
11:19:19.653 [Thread-58863] DEBUG App - Android device is connected to a network
11:19:19.653 [Thread-58863] DEBUG App - Getting saved servers via credential provider
11:19:19.691 [Thread-58863] DEBUG App - Scanning network for local servers
11:19:19.708 [Thread-58864] DEBUG App - mediabrowser.apiinteraction.discovery.ServerLocator>>> Request packet sent to: (DEFAULT)
11:19:19.750 [Thread-58864] DEBUG App - mediabrowser.apiinteraction.discovery.ServerLocator>>> Done looping over all network interfaces. Now waiting for a reply!
11:19:20.743 [Thread-58864] DEBUG App - Server discovery timed out waiting for response.
11:19:20.744 [Thread-58864] DEBUG App - Found 0 servers
11:19:20.793 [main] DEBUG App - Updating header buttons for server selection
11:19:20.794 [main] DEBUG App - Creating server list
11:19:20.795 [main] DEBUG App - 3 servers to display
11:19:21.993 [main] DEBUG App - Server at position 0 clicked
11:19:21.993 [main] DEBUG App - Passing server to ConnectionManager
11:19:21.994 [main] DEBUG App - Testing local device network connection
11:19:21.994 [main] DEBUG App - Android device is connected to a network
11:19:21.997 [Thread-58865] DEBUG App - Waking server: SERVER, Id: ea7786188a034747b0e8961386e73542
11:19:21.998 [Thread-58865] DEBUG App - Sending WakeOnLan over broadcast address. Mac: 6C-F0-49-02-97-AA, Port: 9
11:19:21.998 [main] DEBUG App - Adding request to queue: http://XXXX.XXXX.com:8096/mediabrowser/system/info/public?format=json
11:19:22.629 [main] INFO  App - Response received from: http://XXXX.XXXX.com:8096/mediabrowser/system/info/public?format=json
11:19:22.737 [main] INFO  App - **** SERVER SIGN IN ****
11:19:22.764 [main] DEBUG App - Updating header buttons for user selection
11:19:22.767 [main] DEBUG App - Adding request to queue: http://XXXX.XXXX.com:8096/mediabrowser/Users/Public?format=json
11:19:22.979 [main] INFO  App - Response received from: http://XXXX.XXXX.com:8096/mediabrowser/Users/Public?format=json
11:19:23.011 [main] DEBUG App - Get public users response received
11:19:23.012 [main] DEBUG App - Building user selection grid
11:19:23.013 [main] DEBUG App - 4 public users to display
11:19:25.396 [main] DEBUG App - User at position 3 clicked
11:19:25.396 [main] DEBUG App - User requires password: Showing login dialog
11:19:25.400 [main] DEBUG App - Login dialog visible
11:19:30.136 [main] DEBUG App - Attempting to log in user Tranquil
11:19:30.138 [main] DEBUG App - Adding request to queue: http://XXXX.XXXX.com:8096/mediabrowser/Users/AuthenticateByName?format=json
11:19:30.498 [main] INFO  App - Response received from: http://XXXX.XXXX.com:8096/mediabrowser/Users/AuthenticateByName?format=json
11:19:30.558 [main] DEBUG App - Updating credentials after local authentication
11:19:30.646 [main] DEBUG App - Adding request to queue: http://XXXX.XXXX.com:8096/mediabrowser/Sessions/Capabilities/Full
11:19:30.646 [main] DEBUG App - Creating ApiWebSocket
11:19:30.647 [main] DEBUG App - Connecting to web socket url: ws://XXXX.XXXX.com:8096/mediabrowser?api_key=c94ae4f32d7344edbb9b004e5039dbe5&deviceId=23f23b24b7efe63d
11:19:30.658 [main] DEBUG App - AuthenticationResult received
11:19:30.672 [main] DEBUG App - ensuring is_first_run is now false
11:19:30.706 [main] INFO  App - proceeding to mobile homescreen
11:19:30.870 [main] INFO  App - ccl_VideoCastManager: New instance of VideoCastManager is created
11:19:30.997 [Thread-58873] INFO  App - Web socket connection closed.
11:19:31.007 [main] INFO  App - HomeScreen Activity: onCreate
11:19:31.068 [main] INFO  App - Response received from: http://XXXX.XXXX.com:8096/mediabrowser/Sessions/Capabilities/Full
11:19:31.082 [main] INFO  App - NewItemsFragmentonResume
11:19:31.089 [main] INFO  App - NewItemsFragmentfinish onResume
11:19:31.089 [main] INFO  App - FavoritesFragment onCreateView() reached
11:19:31.092 [main] INFO  App - FavoritesFragment finish onCreateView()
11:19:31.092 [main] INFO  App - UpNextFragment: onCreateView
11:19:31.096 [main] INFO  App - UpNextFragmentFinish onCreateView
11:19:31.097 [main] INFO  App - FavoritesFragmentonResume
11:19:31.103 [main] INFO  App - FavoritesFragmentfinish onResume
11:19:31.103 [main] INFO  App - UpNextFragmentonResume
11:19:31.104 [main] INFO  App - UpNextFragmentfinish onResume
11:19:31.326 [main] INFO  App - Response received from: http://XXXX.XXXX.com:8096/mediabrowser/Sessions?format=json
11:19:31.358 [main] INFO  App - 1 sessions available
11:19:31.358 [main] INFO  App - MediaBrowserRouteProvider: Build RouteDescriptors
11:19:31.359 [main] INFO  App - MediaBrowserRouteProvider: Adding RouteDescriptor
11:19:31.359 [main] INFO  App - MediaBrowserRouteProvider: 1 routes added
11:19:31.359 [main] INFO  App - MediaBrowserRouteProvider: ProviderDescriptor published
11:19:31.491 [main] INFO  App - Navigation Menu: Get library response received
11:19:31.491 [main] INFO  App - Navigation Menu: library contents available
11:19:31.675 [main] INFO  App - NewItemsFragment: GetNewItems
11:19:31.676 [main] INFO  App - NewItemsFragment - processResponse: 20 Items received.
11:19:31.677 [main] INFO  App - NewItemsFragment: Finished GetNewItems
11:19:31.852 [main] INFO  App - FavoritesFragment: GetFavoriteItems callback
11:19:31.853 [main] INFO  App - FavoritesFragment - processResponse: Items received.
11:19:31.853 [main] INFO  App - FavoritesFragment: Finished GetFavoriteItems callback
11:19:32.000 [main] INFO  App - Response received from: http://XXXX.XXXX.com:8096/mediabrowser/Sessions?format=json
11:19:32.029 [main] INFO  App - 1 sessions available
11:19:32.030 [main] INFO  App - MediaBrowserRouteProvider: Build RouteDescriptors
11:19:32.030 [main] INFO  App - MediaBrowserRouteProvider: Adding RouteDescriptor
11:19:32.030 [main] INFO  App - MediaBrowserRouteProvider: 1 routes added
11:19:32.030 [main] INFO  App - MediaBrowserRouteProvider: ProviderDescriptor published
11:19:37.228 [main] INFO  App - HomeScreen Activity: onPause
11:19:37.260 [main] INFO  App - LibraryPresentationActivity: onCreate
11:19:37.364 [main] INFO  App - LibraryPresentationActivity: finish onCreate
11:19:37.367 [main] INFO  App - LibraryPresentationActivity: onResume
11:19:37.367 [main] INFO  App - LibraryPresentationActivity: is Connected
11:19:37.367 [main] INFO  App - LibraryPresentationActivity: parsing initial query information
11:19:37.368 [main] INFO  App - LibraryPresentationActivity: building content fragment
11:19:37.468 [main] INFO  App - LibraryPresentationFragment: onCreate
11:19:37.480 [main] INFO  App - Library Presentation Fragment: onCreateView
11:19:37.488 [main] INFO  App - IndexableGridView
11:19:37.490 [main] INFO  App - Library Presentation Fragment: Requesting Items
11:19:37.532 [main] INFO  App - IndexableGridView
11:19:37.533 [main] INFO  App - IndexScroller
11:19:42.518 [main] INFO  App - Response received from: http://XXXX.XXXX.com:8096/mediabrowser/Localization/ParentalRatings?format=json
11:19:42.524 [main] INFO  App - ratings returned: 5
11:19:42.854 [main] INFO  App - Navigation Menu: Get library response received
11:19:42.854 [main] INFO  App - Navigation Menu: library contents available
11:19:43.116 [main] INFO  App - Library Presentation Fragment: Get Items response
11:19:43.117 [main] INFO  App - Library Presentation Fragment - Get Items response: 134 Items to process
11:19:43.117 [main] INFO  App - Library Presentation Fragment - Get Items response: Total Record Count = 134
11:19:43.117 [main] INFO  App - LibraryPresentationFragment: Populating Library View
11:19:43.118 [main] INFO  App - LibraryPresentationFragment: 134 items to show
11:19:43.121 [main] INFO  App - IndexableGridView
11:19:47.633 [main] INFO  App - ItemClickListener
11:19:47.645 [main] INFO  App - Library Presentation Fragment: Position Clicked 0
11:19:47.745 [main] INFO  App - Library Presentation Fragment: Item is media
11:19:47.747 [main] INFO  App - Calling StartActivity
11:19:47.804 [main] INFO  App - Media Details Activity: onCreate
11:19:47.927 [main] INFO  App - Media Details Activity: onResume
11:19:53.979 [main] INFO  App - Navigation Menu: Get library response received
11:19:53.980 [main] INFO  App - Navigation Menu: library contents available
11:19:54.105 [main] INFO  App - 
11:19:54.106 [main] INFO  App - Update favorite visible icons
11:19:54.106 [main] INFO  App - Show add favorite
11:19:54.106 [main] INFO  App - 
11:19:54.106 [main] INFO  App - Update playstate visible icons
11:19:54.106 [main] INFO  App - MediaDetailsActivity: initializing viewpager
11:19:54.307 [main] ERROR App - Error setting backdrop - imageUrl is null or empty
11:19:56.947 [main] INFO  App - MediaDetailsActivity
11:19:56.948 [main] INFO  App - Play requested: Internal player
11:19:57.388 [main] INFO  App - Media Details Activity: onPause
11:19:57.654 [main] INFO  App - createDolbyAudioProcessing
11:19:57.662 [main] INFO  App - createDolbyAudioProcessing succeeded
11:19:57.668 [main] INFO  App - PlaybackActivity
11:19:57.751 [main] INFO  App - PlaybackActivity
11:19:57.752 [main] INFO  App - PlaybackActivity: surfaceCreated
11:19:57.752 [main] INFO  App - PlaybackActivity
11:19:57.752 [main] INFO  App - PlaybackActivity
11:19:57.753 [main] INFO  App - PlaybackActivity: surfaceChanged
11:19:57.968 [main] INFO  App - PlaybackActivity: SetNowPlayingInfo
11:19:57.969 [main] INFO  App - calculateScaledVideoDimensions
11:19:57.970 [main] INFO  App - Screen Width: 1920
11:19:57.970 [main] INFO  App - Screen Height: 1080
11:19:57.970 [main] INFO  App - Reported Video Width: 480
11:19:57.970 [main] INFO  App - Reported Video Height: 288
11:19:57.970 [main] INFO  App - A/R width: 5
11:19:57.970 [main] INFO  App - A/R height: 3
11:19:57.970 [main] INFO  App - Scaling based on screen height
11:19:57.971 [main] INFO  App - Video scaled to: 1800x1080
11:19:57.972 [main] INFO  App - Create VideoOptions
11:19:57.992 [main] INFO  App - Create Video StreamInfo
11:20:27.617 [main] INFO  App - Playback Activity: onPause
11:20:27.618 [main] INFO  App - PlaybackActivity
11:20:27.640 [main] INFO  App - Media Details Activity: onDestroy
11:20:27.675 [main] INFO  App - Media Details Activity: onCreate
11:20:27.905 [main] INFO  App - Media Details Activity: onResume
11:20:28.102 [main] INFO  App - PlaybackActivity: surfaceDestroyed
11:20:28.103 [main] INFO  App - PlaybackActivity
11:20:28.351 [main] INFO  App - PlaybackActivity
11:20:28.352 [main] INFO  App - Playback Activity: onStop
11:20:28.352 [main] INFO  App - Playback Activity: onDestroy
11:20:28.950 [main] INFO  App - 
11:20:28.950 [main] INFO  App - Update favorite visible icons
11:20:28.951 [main] INFO  App - Show add favorite
11:20:28.951 [main] INFO  App - 
11:20:28.951 [main] INFO  App - Update playstate visible icons
11:20:28.951 [main] INFO  App - MediaDetailsActivity: initializing viewpager
11:20:29.055 [main] INFO  App - Response received from: http://XXXX.XXXX.com:8096/mediabrowser/Sessions/Playing/Stopped
11:20:29.258 [main] INFO  App - Navigation Menu: Get library response received
11:20:29.258 [main] INFO  App - Navigation Menu: library contents available
11:20:29.259 [main] INFO  App - Response received from: http://XXXX.XXXX.com:8096/mediabrowser/Videos/ActiveEncodings?DeviceId=23f23b24b7efe63d
11:20:31.283 [main] INFO  App - Media Details Activity: onPause
11:20:31.284 [main] INFO  App - Media Details Activity: onDestroy
11:20:31.359 [main] INFO  App - Media Details Activity: onCreate
11:20:31.553 [main] INFO  App - Media Details Activity: onResume
11:20:31.554 [main] ERROR App - Error setting backdrop - imageUrl is null or empty
11:20:31.740 [main] INFO  App - 
11:20:31.740 [main] INFO  App - Update favorite visible icons
11:20:31.740 [main] INFO  App - Show add favorite
11:20:31.740 [main] INFO  App - 
11:20:31.740 [main] INFO  App - Update playstate visible icons
11:20:31.740 [main] INFO  App - MediaDetailsActivity: initializing viewpager
11:20:31.844 [main] INFO  App - Navigation Menu: Get library response received
11:20:31.844 [main] INFO  App - Navigation Menu: library contents available
11:20:32.471 [main] INFO  App - Media Details Activity: onPause



Edited by Tranquil
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I'm having the same issue where it seems nothing wants to stream to my android device.  For instance if I try to stream live TV, I will receive the channel numbers & logo's.  If I pick a channel, it will display the shows.  However if I attempt to stream the channel, the screen will go black & I will get the swirly circle.  After about 30 seconds or so, it will go back to the show listings for the channel I just tried playing




I have attached the android, the server & transcoding logs.  I have replaced my IP address with X.X.X.X




Edited by davedick
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