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Web interface font size

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Sorry if it's been dealt with elsewhere, I just can't fint it.


When pressing Live TV in the web interface, the top shows a list of channels, guide, etc., on top center


This is with very small font. Can this be changed? Font size on the channels listed (below the icons) are also a small font. Is change possible in Emby, so I con't need zoom in the browser (which affects other pages)?




Posted (edited)

My apologies for my answer being non specific, but you can change the web interface with custom CSS.

I, unfortunately, don't use live tv, so I am unable to find the exact class which is responsible for that particular text heading.

Maybe someone can look for it for you, or you can:

1. Hover your mouse cursor over the item which you wan to change.
2 right click the mouse and select "Inspect Element". This will open "Dev Tools" in your browser.

In most browsers the CSS for the site will be listed on the right hand side.








3. Form there you can locate the class which his responsible for the element in the page.
4. Copy the class name/s
5. Open emby dashboard and select "settings/branding"




6. Copy the class name into the text area.

7. Use "font-size" to make it bigger.
8. Use the keyword "!important" to override emby CSS.


Sorry if that wasn't a huge help.

Edited by chef

Thanks for your effort, chef :)


I'll have a look at it when I have time, and see if it makes any sense to me.


A General font scale factor could be nice in preferences, though.


having settings is a possibility for the future. If you're trying to use the web app on a big screen, you will have a better experience with the Emby Theater web app, available at:






I don't know if it's intentional, but in the preferences of Chrome browser, I can change the default font / size.


This size change is reflected on the Emby web interface.


Taking it to extremes, messes up the Emby web interface, but just taking it up a notch (from default size 16 to 24) works fine :)



Posted (edited)

Side note... When looking at font options, I somehow managed to remove TV from my home screen.


Where was the preference page to select a way of getting it back? Right now my home screen has nothing on it.



Clicking the user (person ) icon up right, selecting "Home screen", and selecting "Live TV".

At some point I had made it "none" (or whatever, it's localized to Danish)., and now it's back to Live TV.


But nothing shows.

Edited by Jennice

Not knowing all the changes you have made I would suggest resetting what ever you have changed.  And starting over if everything comes back.


Is there a master reset feature? Where? I don't have much to loose, being new to Emby

Posted (edited)

Well you made broswer changes not Emby changes correct?

Edited by Happy2Play

I don't know if it's intentional, but in the preferences of Chrome browser, I can change the default font / size.


This size change is reflected on the Emby web interface.


Taking it to extremes, messes up the Emby web interface, but just taking it up a notch (from default size 16 to 24) works fine :)




This change has nothing to do with Emby specifically.



Emby web interface changes


What changes are those?  CSS?


No, I just can't seem to get any content back to the home screen.

I haven't tried any CSS. Just menu options.


Maybe if I just un-install and re-install Emby? I'm still experimenting, so nothing much lost.


But the home screen settings don't seem to have any effect.


Maybe you could show some screenshots to demonstrate your question? thanks.


Maybe close Chrome and clear caches ? Or see how it looks in Edge if you have it ?


Also in Chrome I just zoom in to 110% for Emby and 125% for all the other tabs.


From the custom css options you can use something like this.

html, body {
    font-size: larger;

Options "small, smaller, x-small, xx-small, medium, large, larger, x-large, xx-large"


I believe the only way to remove Live TV from home screen is to remove the options for that user.




Are you Libraries still shown in Dashboard-Library?


I can get to live TV through the menus, I just miss it on the home screen.


I haven't added any libraries yet. But until I messed with the settings shown in my posts (I think), I had live TV on the home screen.


Hmmm... I tried to chnge the theme to light (from default dark).

When I saved, it showed white theme.


I then closed Firefox (my default), and re-opened. It's black again.


Hmmm... I tried to chnge the theme to light (from default dark).

When I saved, it showed white theme.


I then closed Firefox (my default), and re-opened. It's black again.


Sounds like your browsing data is getting cleared.


I just noticed the text saying the theme settings require a premiere subscription. That's why it reset.

But the Home screen sections shouldn't require any subscription, right?

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