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  1. Past hour
  2. Hello , First off nice app, server. Thank you Small problem. I cannot delete picture while im on y samsung tv. Screen below shows its possible but only when im on my desktop. Wierd think is that i CAN delete video's whil im on my tv.. Can you help me out. Grazie.
  3. eltioares

    Top Picks support thread

    Is it a one-time payment, right? Or does it have to be paid every month?
  4. Statick

    memory leak in library scans since 7.8

    hey guys. I have increased the RAM in my synology to 16GB (it's supposed to be maximum 6GB but with the right RAM modules it will go higher) and updated to beta I can now complete library scans, during the scan Emby RAM usage will increase to over 9GB before it completes, so it's no wonder I was unable to complete scans with only 6GB installed I have taken a screenshot of the RAM usage over time so you can see how it increases. it increases fairly steadily until the scan reaches around 60% at which point it still increases but more slowly (in the screenshot you can see the RAM usage goes down a bit before going back up again, roughly half way along the graph, this is at around 60-65% library scan). it then continues to increase at a slower rate until the scan hits 90%, then the usage remains constant until the scan completes. after the scan is completed, the RAM is returned to the system
  5. Kyrunner

    HDR10 movie is tinted green

    Any update on this request I’m seeing the same issue on iPad Pro
  6. MrBonk

    Conversion keeps failing

    Ok so happy to report it worked, just took a looooot longer to convert after disabling the transcoding. Should I just keep converting with that off?
  7. gagomezdevesa

    Problema con la TV en vivo.

    Ni hay cortes comerciales, ni se acaba un programa y comienza otro; se para en pleno programa.
  8. Today
  9. marianomaki

    modo cine

    listo conseguido , lo que pasaba es que no puedes tener muisc y backdrops , a la vez , o eso creo, elimino theme-music y creo carpeta backdrops y listo , ahora solo falta encontrar esos videos y ponerlos aunque en la app de fire stick no se ven solo en pc , no se por que jajajaja gracias por tu ayuda ante todo a ver si pudiera ponerse tambien en firestick
  10. josephokking

    After upgrade the server to, can't open ssl url

    problem solved. It happend to be my ssl key path had been changed to a strange path. I corrected it and the problem fixed.
  11. ginjaninja

    Adding Music to Multiple Playlists

    2024-05-29 09-14-51.mp4 In the mean time, in case not aware, you can drag and drop to multiple playlists, that was news to me a few weeks a go.
  12. zm098y

    Theme video cannot be enabled

    I can use a VPN, but all Android devices in China cannot use the Google Store and payment for purchases cannot be completed! Can you provide a separate purchase method on the app page, or a purchase method like Emby Premiere? Provide client app purchase for a single device.
  13. bytegetter

    Ordner leer

    So, habe nun was gefunden. Ich habe gestern die gleiche Freigabe zusätzlich eingetragen, ohne dass Bilder von den Dateien eingelesen werden. Zwischendurch war auch der Filme-Ordner vorhanden. Leider hat Emby die Filme ab 00:25 wieder gelöscht: 2024-05-29 00:07:54.203 Info MediaProbeManager: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Process exited with code 0 - Succeeded 2024-05-29 00:07:54.401 Info MediaProbeManager: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Execute: /opt/emby-server/bin/ffprobe -i " S02%2FRoadtrip.Amerika.-.Drei.Spitzenkoeche.auf.vier.Raedern.S02E04.GERMAN.DOKU.720p.WEB.h264-HAXE.mkv" -threads 0 -v info -print_format json -show_streams -show_chapters -show_format -show_data 2024-05-29 00:07:56.195 Info MediaProbeManager: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Process exited with code 0 - Succeeded 2024-05-29 00:07:56.395 Info App: Removing virtual season Doku 0 2024-05-29 00:07:56.396 Info App: Removing item from database, Type: Season, Name: Extras, Path: , Id: 195504 2024-05-29 00:07:56.404 Info App: Deleting path /var/lib/emby/metadata/library/66/66a42615d69e2769dd0b9ac44efe7f50 2024-05-29 00:07:56.425 Info TaskManager: Scan media library Completed after 152 minute(s) and 2 seconds 2024-05-29 00:20:00.003 Info UserActivityReportNotification - TaskNotifictionReport: Activity Query : SELECT UserId, ItemType, ItemName, SUM(PlayDuration - PauseDuration) AS PlayTime FROM PlaybackActivity WHERE DateCreated > '2024-05-28 00:20:00.0109899' A ND UserId not IN (select UserId from UserList) GROUP BY UserId, ItemType, ItemName 2024-05-29 00:20:00.007 Info UserActivityReportNotification - TaskNotifictionReport: Cutoff DateTime for new items - date: 2024-05-28 00:20:00.0109899 ago: 23:59:59.9960634 2024-05-29 00:20:00.007 Info UserActivityReportNotification - TaskNotifictionReport: User activity Message : ItemCount : 2 2024-05-29 00:25:19.073 Info App: Removing item from database, Type: Movie, Name: 100 Bloody Acres, Path: smb:// Bloody Acres - 2012.mkv, Id: 198331 2024-05-29 00:25:19.079 Info App: Deleting path /var/lib/emby/metadata/library/97/9789d83548955d918a55f142c5e6249c 2024-05-29 00:25:19.080 Info App: Removing item from database, Type: Movie, Name: 100 Degrees Below - Zero Kalt wie die Hoelle, Path: smb:// Degrees Below - Zero Kalt wie die Hoelle - 2013.avi, Id: 198332 2024-05-29 00:25:19.085 Info App: Deleting path /var/lib/emby/metadata/library/25/256aee2a5f6117ae13b8adc2b45f0cb0 Das macht er aber nur bei /Filme/ nicht bei den anderen. Ab 00:25 werden alle Filme aus /Video-Aktuell/Filme/ und die Unterordner gelöscht. Physisch sind alle noch vorhanden. Die Ordnerstruktur selbst ist einfach, Beispiel (nur Ordner): /Video-Aktuell/Filme/ /Video-Aktuell/Filme/Bud Spencer /Video-Aktuell/Doku/ /Video-Aktuell/Doku/Doku mit Episoden 1/ /Video-Aktuell/Doku/Doku mit Episoden 1/ /Video-Aktuell/Serien/Serie 1/ /Video-Aktuell/Serien/Serie 2/ Lösche ich die Bibliothek und lege sie neu an beginnt das Spiel erneut.
  14. seanbuff

    Android v Android TV

    Yes you can, there is no issue with having them both installed and switching between the two.
  15. crusher11

    Local User account logins

    Which means installing it from the store is not a solution...
  16. gagomezdevesa

    Problema con la TV en vivo.

    Todos los registros de la TV en vivo son similares. Adjunto uno de ellos. ffmpeg-directstream-c0ddb1a0-69df-46db-93a0-725e97ef4de1_1.txt
  17. aja07

    Android v Android TV

    Hi, I see the Android app is downloadable from the Google store. Can I run both the Android and the Android TV app on the same shield box? Thanks
  18. svyaznoy362

    Problems and new feature requests

    I use Rclone on another device ( android), webdav is built into it, the root of the cloud disk is mounted, I calmly connect to the address on a computer, mobile phone. The emby server is on ubuntu and synology, when I try to add a Webdav server, the emby server just doesn't see it. Emby simply does not know how to connect via http, I would like to ask you to implement this feature. Thank you. sleep 3 && /opt/bin/rclone serve webdav --addr :18037 /storage/emulated/0/DuneHD/Disk362 --rc --rc-addr -L &
  19. I only asked, as v3.3.97 is the version of the Universal Android app, not the ATV app, which is either v2.1.10 for Stable, or v2.1.12 for Beta.
  20. seanbuff

    After upgrade the server to, can't open ssl url

    Hi, you're going to need to provide a little more info than that. How to Report a Problem
  21. but the http link is all right
  22. Scozz1976

    Emby stops working after upgrade to 4.8.7

    I’m not sure if you misunderstood me. 4.8 had issues so I went to 4.9 - worked perfectly. went back to 4.8 and got original problem again so I ended up starting a new database.
  23. Agree here - there is plenty that needs your attention within the Universal App - this seems a low priority to me, maybe even agree to remove it as it's just something to cause potential support issues down the line ...
  24. WeAreBasstards

    Hardware Detection

    The CPU usage And whenever it stops at 5% like in the picture, nothing works on Emby anymore.
  25. How have you configured the trakt plugin?
  26. Luke


    HI, if you're not able to open the database, then you can also just skip to the last part "Steps to Reset Library Database & Load Fresh". Those earlier steps are optional and are more intended to help you avoid having to start fresh. Please let us know if this helps. Thanks.
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