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Recording icon and or settings not visible or disappearing right away


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When I add a one time recording on the Emby guide on my PC I see the recording icon appearing right away on my pc Emby guide and in the Emby guide on my iPad. However when I remove a one time timer the recording icon stays visible on both my pc and iPad Emby guide. On my pc they only disappear when refreshing the page. On the iPad I have to go out of the guide and return back to see they have disappeared.


When adding series recordings on the Emby guide on my pc I don't see the recording icon right away and also the settings for the series recording are not there yet. I have to refresh the page on my pc twice to see the recording icon and have the settings visible to change things in the recording. Also not visible on the iPad.

When I add a serie recording from the iPad it doesn't show up right away and will not appear after refreshing the page multiple times. For this to appear on the Emby guide on my pc it takes much much longer. On the iPad I just need to get out and back into the guide again.


When canceling series recordings the recording icon is gone right away.


Is there a reason for this long delay? I hop this can be improved because I always need to change the setting to only record new episodes only.

Perhaps this can be set by default to only record new episodes?






Using DVBlink plugin



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I think what happens is that the plugin sends an instruction to the back end and then returns a success response to emby server, but without actually waiting for the backend to complete the entire operation.


What kind of tuner do you have?

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I think what happens is that the plugin sends an instruction to the back end and then returns a success response to emby server, but without actually waiting for the backend to complete the entire operation.


What kind of tuner do you have?

HDHomeRun EXPAND model HDHR3-4DC with DVBlink software for the guide

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Why not use the native Emby features without a plugin?

You asked that in a previous topic as well and I have tried that but than I run into several other issues. I will like to keep working with the plugin.

Is this problem a plugin problem?

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The native support is what the core team is actively testing and will offer the best experience. I believe the issue is in the plugin, possibly how I mentioned earlier, either that or a caching layer somewhere that needs to expire before the programs are  updated. 

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The native support is what the core team is actively testing and will offer the best experience. I believe the issue is in the plugin, possibly how I mentioned earlier, either that or a caching layer somewhere that needs to expire before the programs are  updated. 

I have uninstalled the dvblink plugin. Set my tuner and imported my tv guide.xml.


The result with series recordings is the same and I only see a few guide items. The same xml is used for my dvblink software and guide and is comletely filled with epg data. Another issue now is that The DVBlink software and Emby guide are not the same anymore. All my recordings are set with dvblink or with the dvblink plugin in Emby.


I tried but I will continue working with the DVBlink plugin and hope this issue can be solved when using the plugin and native feature.





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and you're saying dvblink maps the guide automatically, or did you have to map the data to the channels yourself?

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and you're saying dvblink maps the guide automatically, or did you have to map the data to the channels yourself?

In the dvblink software I have set this xml to be used as epg source and dvblink uses this to import the guide. The xml is daily updated by webgrab.

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how does it match up your tuner channels to your epg? did you assign that manually? because this xml has no channel numbers, only channel names.

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how does it match up your tuner channels to your epg? did you assign that manually? because this xml has no channel numbers, only channel names.

For each channel I had to set the epg channel source and name.



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ok so if you had done the same thing with Emby then i imagine your guide would have been fully populated.

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I didn’t see that option to do until now. I have setup my tuner and guide.xml and all my favorite channels are imported with epg data now.

I only need to give all channels the right logo and create all my series recordings.

From there I will give my intel about all what is not working or has wrong image format etc.


I already know that the reason for starting this topic doesn’t work with this native tuner setup.

To be continued and Thanks so far.

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I got it up and running so far now the Native way.




What I hope to get changed is what I started this topic with. Series recording directly visible. The serie recording button is not showing up as it does with single recordings. I can now directly change the settings for series recording so that is good.

I like to have an option to add my own images for the given format in certain pages. Now poster format is chosen when landscape size is default and perhaps also the other way around.

I like that for the pages Recordings, Schedules and Series.








I use Emby in Kodi and for that I always used the DVBlink PVR client to see my recordings etc. That is no longer possible because I have setup all my recordings in Emby now. How do I get the Emby TV guide visible in Kodi and see my recordings like I used to see with the DVBlink PVR client?


I can see everything in Kodi that I see in Emby except for the TV guide now.



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Is there a way to change way the recordings are named?


Is there an option to add the channel name at end of the file name?


Something like I already could with the DVBLink software.



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I had a good working recording thing going on with DVBlink software and Emby with the DVBlink plugin. @@Luke asks me why not use the native use of my HDHomerun tuner by Emby without the DVBlink plugin.

I did setup everything the native way and all looks good now. Setup all my serie recordings and was positive everything should work as expected now like it always did with the DVBlink software method. When I came back tonight I noticed none of my recordings were recorded. Reason, pc was in sleep mode and Emby does not wake the pc for a scheduled recording. That is in my opinion the most important feature to get recordings go well.

My pc that works also as a server does go into sleep mode when nobody is using the pc or Emby from anywhere else. DVBlink always woke my pc just before a recording should be recording.


If this is not already there in Emby I hope it will be implanted really soon and am I going back for now to my DVBlink software solution because that was really steady and does everything what it needs to do for a good recording. That some things don't look nice in Emby I will take for granted than.


Do I need to go back or can Emby give me the same as the DVBlink software can for my recordings?


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Yes wake for recordings is planned for the future. As for the file name, we don't currently have a setting to add channel name to the end but that's reasonable.

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Yes wake for recordings is planned for the future. As for the file name, we don't currently have a setting to add channel name to the end but that's reasonable.

Than I don't understand why you promote this native use of tuners?


For now I have gone back to my old setup and hope the DVBlink plugin for Emby can be improved so we can import our own images. That way I have all want. Most important is that my scheduled recording are being recorded and that works better with DVBlink.


So back where I started this topic with. Can that be improved?


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For now I have gone back to my old setup and hope the DVBlink plugin for Emby can be improved so we can import our own images. That way I have all want. Most important is that my scheduled recording are being recorded and that works better with DVBlink.


Do you realize that the DVBLink plugin is not maintained by Emby and that the developer of this plugin seems to be gone from the DVBLink topic ?


That's one of the reasons why I don't use the DVBLink plugin in Emby, all those things that simply doesn't work, the way I want it to work.

Emby could use the public API from DVBLink, to get native support for DVBLink into Emby, but that choice is up to them.

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The developer is not gone, in fact, he's the one who helped us with hauppauge support.


However, it is a massive effort to support all of these plugins and still pursue native support at the same time. We are trying to reduce that effort by more aggressively pursuing native support.

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The developer is not gone, in fact, he's the one who helped us with hauppauge support.

Good that he is still around, but he is NOT responding anymore to any problems in the DVBLink topic.


Seeing this lack off support from the plugin developer, made me decide not to use it anymore. Have wasted enough hours with this plugin to get things working the way I wanted it, to no avail.


Concerning Emby support, I completely understand it's a huge effort to get all going and working continuously with all those plugins,so priorities have to be made by Emby, which items can be maintained which are realistic.

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