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Spinner of Death


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Whenever I start content I just get a spinner. This just started and at the same time as the scrunched in upper left corner issue in the other thread. I have not changed any playback settings in the server or in Emby Theater.

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I am posting two logs. The first is with the native player and the second is with external player MPC-HC64 enabled. The second time it loaded MPC-HC but did not start the video file. I can play this file directly from the shared network path and MPC-HC opens on double click, goes full screen and switches refresh rate as it should. From ET? No dice.



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A bit more info..

I right clicked MPC-HC and selected recent files and there's my file at the top of the list. I selected it and it starts playing but I have to manually go full screen.

Are there settings to be made in the external player settings to fix this?

Edited by Sammy
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You didn't fill out any command line arguments?

No. I suppose I need to do some wiki reading(?) but that still doesn't address what's going on with the native player.

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You're right it doesn't. But for MPC, you need to find whatever command line arguments it expects.

I looked on the Emby Wiki for ET and it is sparse. I don't remember having to do anything special when loading MPC-HC from MediaBrowser Classic Configurator?

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I added /play /fullscreen and got this:

Unrecognized switch(es) found in command line string: 

C:\Program Files\MPC-HC\MPC-HC64 /play /fullscreen

Usage: mpc-hc.exe "pathname" [switches]

"pathname"	The main file or directory to be loaded (wildcards
		allowed, "-" denotes standard input)
/dub "dubname"	Load an additional audio file
/dubdelay "file"	Load an additional audio file shifted with XXms (if
		the file contains "...DELAY XXms...")
/d3dfs		Start rendering in D3D fullscreen mode
/sub "subname"	Load an additional subtitle file
/filter "filtername"	Load DirectShow filters from a dynamic link
		library (wildcards allowed)
/dvd		Run in dvd mode, "pathname" means the dvd
		folder (optional)
/dvdpos T#C	Start playback at title T, chapter C
/dvdpos T#hh:mm	Start playback at title T, position hh:mm:ss
/cd		Load all the tracks of an audio cd or (s)vcd,
		"pathname" means the drive path (optional)
/device		Open the default video device
/open		Open the file, don't automatically start playback
/play		Start playing the file as soon the player is
/close		Close the player after playback (only works when
		used with /play)
/shutdown	Shutdown the operating system after playback
/standby		Put the operating system in standby mode after playback
/hibernate	Hibernate operating system after playback
/logoff		Log off after playback
/lock		Lock workstation after playback
/monitoroff	Turn off the monitor after playback
/playnext		Open next file in the folder after playback
/fullscreen	Start in full-screen mode
/minimized	Start in minimized mode
/new		Use a new instance of the player
/add		Add "pathname" to playlist, can be combined
		with /open and /play
/randomize	Randomize the playlist
/regvid		Create file associations for video files
/regaud		Create file associations for audio files
/regpl		Create file associations for playlist files
/regall		Create file associations for all supported file types
/unregall		Remove all file associations
/start ms		Start playing at "ms" (= milliseconds)
/startpos hh:mm:ss	Start playing at position hh:mm:ss
/fixedsize w,h	Set a fixed window size
/monitor N	Start player on monitor N, where N starts from 1
/audiorenderer N	Start using audiorenderer N, where N starts from 1
		(see "Output" settings)
/shaderpreset "Pr"	Start using "Pr" shader preset
/pns "name"	Specify Pan&Scan preset name to use
/iconsassoc	Reassociate format icons
/nofocus		Open MPC-HC in background
/webport N	Start web interface on specified port
/debug		Show debug information in OSD
/nocrashreporter	Disable the crash reporter
/slave "hWnd"	Use MPC-HC as slave
/hwgpu "index"	Set the index of the GPU used for hardware decoding
		Only available for CUVID and DXVA2 (copy-back)
/reset		Restore default settings
/help /h /?	Show help about command line switches

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EMC knows how MPC works, in other words, it is baked right into the app. ET does not, we'd rather focus our energy on the internal player. That means whatever external player you are using (in this case MPC), you have to check the documentation for that player and find the command line values that it expects, and the values that will result in the behavior that you want.


So without any command line params, you are just telling MPC to open up and not do anything.

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I can't tell you how MPC works because i have not used it in years, but surely there must be a command line param to tell it the path to the video that you want to play.

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ok. So what would be going on with the internal player?


Anything in the logs?


Will we see more controls al la MadVR?

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I got it to work with the parameters {path} /play /close but for whatever reason the stop function on my H900 (MCE) remote doesn't work so I posted that here.


Anything on the internal player?


I changed it from CopyBack to Auto but that is it, I'm using MadVR in the ET player, BTW.

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I'm still getting a spinner on the native player. Does anything peculiar show in the logs I posed?



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the embedded lav filters is failing to load. It this folder empty?

C:\Users\i5 Home Theater PC\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Theater\ComObjects

Either way, try shutting down the app and then deleting that folder.

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I'll need to check that when I get home and report back. Are the LAV filters included in the installer or do I need to grab them and put them in that directory? If it is the latter, I can pretty much say that they are not there because I don't remember putting them there. Should I use the beta 3D filters? I have some 3D content that I'd like to convert from BR iso to mkv.

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I'll look. I don't know why they wouldn't be there but one never knows.. What about MadVR? I have that checked but it is already registered in the directory for use by MPC-HC. Will this cause a conflict if it is registered twice?

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This is a similar problem to what I am experiencing. I referenced TV shows Hanging when in auto play, I also get this from movies and random shows. spinner of death is a good term.

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