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Emby Blog


Media Browser for Chromecast updated

Those of you enjoying Chromecast with the web client have been treated to a new update. Here's what's new:

Support for WebP Images

The recent server release introduced support for WebP image output, which allows as much as a 34% reduction in file sizes over the same quality as JPG and PNG. The Chromecast receiver is now using this to improve the speed of downloading and displaying images.

Logo on the Pause Screen

Now when you pause your movies you'll enjoy the logo in the upper left corner just as you normally do on the detail screen.

Progress Bar on Detail Screen

The poster on the detail screen will now display your progress so that you can get an idea of where you'll start from if you're resuming.

Please note you'll need to reboot your receiver device in order to see the changes. Enjoy, and look for Android and iOS to take advantage of the new Chromecast receiver soon.

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