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Emby Blog


Emby for Samsung Smart TV's 1.0 Released !

cmcg has been working extremely hard on this and we're pleased to announce version 1.0 of Emby for Samsung Smart TV's.

It’s been a great effort by the community to bring this popular Emby client up to a major milestone. Supported models are TVs, Blu-ray Disk Players and Home Theatre Systems from the D, E, F and H Series running the SmartHub OS.

Sadly, Samsung have already moved on to Tizen OS and closed the doors of their app store to new SmartHub applications unless we first submit a Tizen based app. So for the time being at least, those who wish to install the Emby Client for Samsung SmartHub will need to log in to their TV or other SmartHub device using the develop account which allows for installation of non-App store applications. We are discussing the possibility of an Emby client for Samsung Tizen TVs and will keep you posted on that.


2014 H-Series Install

2013 F-Series Install
2012 E-Series Install
2011 D-Series Install


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