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Emby Blog


Emby for Apple TV Now Ready for tvOS 13

A new update for our Apple TV app has just been released which makes the app compatible with both tvOS 12.4 and 13. As a bonus, you also get all of the following :):

Brand New Home Screen


We've entirely re-written home screen. This gives you top level access to your Favorites, and an improved search.


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In addition this new home screen includes the following improvements:

  • High quality images on Apple TV 4K
  • Better refreshing when content changes
  • Faster loading compared to the old screen
  • My Media "small" support
  • Live TV shortcuts
  • Now Playing menu option when music is playing

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Brand New TV Library


We've entirely re-written the TV media type library. To summarize this includes all the features similar to the Movies library including:


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  • High quality images on Apple TV 4K
  • Added episodes tab
  • Improved sorting, filtering, shuffle and play all support
  • Default screen from your settings is now respected by the Apple TV app
  • Faster loading
  • Generally aligned features and UI with other Emby apps


Brand New Music Library


We've entirely re-written the music library. To summarize this includes all the features similar to the Movies and TV libraries including:


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  • High quality images on Apple TV 4K
  • Improved sorting, filtering, shuffle and play all support
  • Faster loading
  • Improved playlist rendering w/ album icons for mixed content within a play list
  • Generally aligned features and UI with other Emby apps including instant mix support

Miscellaneous improvements and changes
  • Default Movie screen from your settings is now respected by the Apple TV app
  • Shuffle support is available in the movies library
  • Playlists now support video content
  • When displaying start/end-time on the scrub bar it now respect your device settings
  • Updated MPV and FFMPeg to 4.1.3
  • Bitrate options now include additional options for those on Apple TV 4K devices
  • Group items into collections support added to Movies and TV libraries
  • Increase number of in progress items to 4 on the Top Shelf
  • Improved searching when using voice to text

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug that caused the app to hang on start up
  • Fixed a number of bugs that would cause the app to crash when entering the background during video playback
  • Fixed a bug on collection views (e.g. Movies) where scroll position would be lost after playback
  • Fixed a bug where movies and shows on the Genres view were not sorting properly
  • Fixed a number of miscellaneous bugs that were introduced in tvOS 12.4 and 13
  • Fixed a bug that prevented play/pause on a universal remote from being recognized when the Siri remote was disconnected
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Record Settings button to appear twice
  • Fixed a bug where movie suggestions were not respecting their parent library
  • Fixed a bug that prevented unwatched episode counts from displaying

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