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  2. Slugger

    Emby Sweeper

    Anything after the first -v has no effect, fwiw. I allow multiple -v in case in the future I wanted to add additional output.
  3. crossfire13148

    New Statistics plugin

    seeing this: But stats showing this: i am in fact missing S10E19, but i only have 148 actual episodes, but i do have 2 additional specials.... stats seems to be once again counting specials in the number of episodes.... this also happened previously too, notice it doesnt say "148/148 + 2SP" like it used to! This was also the same time it seems that the "show specials inthe seasons in which they aired" option also dissappeard.... which means a season that would only have 8 episodes, like fool us season 1, Now shows the count at 9 files in the season, as it is placing the special in both specials AND season 1 so the question here is: is this Stats being broken, or is this a by product of losing the ability to hide specials in the season folders? i am thinking it is a little of both, as stats is missing the SP count, as well as emby itself showing extra episodes (the specials) in season folders, something we used to be able to turn off. this combo has broken my stats, and broken me trying to keep my shows updated, as now i dont know what is not complete. The only fixes i have are to remove all the specials (which would destroy the show, case in point Dr Who, where the specials bridge gaps between seasons) or just have to go show by show (current count 627 shows) and check for missing episodes (making sure to click upcoming, because of the previous issue described above) which would have to be frequent to keep shows up to date. neither option makes sense on a server that is pretty much automated... and still do not know why the "show in season folder" option was removed, and the thread complaining about that choice is growing too.... so respectfully, now what?
  4. vincen

    Scan in loop !

    Well now that I know it's not an issue but normal behaviour I don't check anymore scan progression in server settings
  5. Dickydodah!

    Emby Sweeper

    Sorry I meant the above, I saw the multiple allowed but didn't realise what it meant. I guess -vv shows more in the log than -v The examples will make it clear, so far everything makes sense. BTW Emby leaves the empty season folders behind, probably as placeholders for watched seasons, Sonarr deletes them on rescan so keeps my library nice and tidy. The way Emby deletes on Windows is actually very useful for testing but maybe not so on the prod, something I may look into later.
  6. hstamas

    VirtualTV plugin

    Yeah I was thinking the same thing although Ive been using Trakt unchanged for years and this just started happening. I am in the process of testing with it disabled and will report back.
  7. I have a some gripes with the Guide functionality on the Emby for Roku app (version 4.1.15): I can select the Tags in the guide ["Show Only channels with Tag(s)"], however I have to do it every time the Emby app is started on Roku. It would be ideal if the Tags would be remembered after an app re-start. I can select the Sort in the guide ["Sort by:"], however I have to do it every time the Emby app is started on Roku. It would be ideal if the Sort would be remembered after an app re-start. I can set the Sort in the Guide ["Sort by:"] only to a limited number of options. I would really like to have the same options that are available in a Web Browser. I'm specifically referring to the "Favorites, Then by..." options that are available in a Web Browser, but not on Roku. I'm hoping these are something that could be addressed in a future version of Emby for Roku. Thanks
  8. Junglejim

    Filter by Decade

    I think you will enjoy smart playlists but they are just playlists/collections after all. Plus they are not displayed as a filtered library would be (playlist view etc.). Filtering with tags sound promising, I run docker so that could be somewhat confusing.. I wish the devs could just add this filter to core server. Anzac Day tomorrow, have a good one! Up for the dawn service?
  9. Slugger

    Emby Sweeper

    The help output already includes the log flags But I will be adding a log config example to the examples wiki when I get around to it. ``` ddb@emby:/usr/local/bin# ./embysweeper -h Usage: embysweeper <command> [flags] An Emby tool to sweep for and delete media items automatically based on a set of defined rules. @/path/to/file replaced by contents of file; see https://gitlab.com/ddb_db/embysweeper/-/wikis/Include-Files Flags: -h, --help Show context-sensitive help. --log-file=STRING write log output to specified file; appends to existing file --truncate-log when true, truncate the log file if it already exists -q, --quiet decrease log level; multiple allowed -v, --verbose increase log level; multiple allowed --version print version information and exit Commands: batch <dir-name> [flags] run all command lines found in the specified directory delete --server-host="localhost" --server-login=STRING --server-password=STRING --server-port=8096 [flags] delete all matching items serieskeep --server-host="localhost" --server-login=STRING --server-password=STRING --server-port=8096 --keep=INT [flags] scan all tv series applying specified filters and maintaining a maximum count of episodes, deleting the rest Run "embysweeper <command> --help" for more information on a command. ``` On my system it's a total delete. But that could be just because that's how I configured it way back when, I don't remember. I just make the api call to delete the item, exactly what happens on that api call is up to Emby. I only care that the call returns a success or error code and act accordingly (which is just logging the result).
  10. OK, it's also because the S/PDIF cable can't handle aac and other uncompressed audio. That means if you're using an optical audio cable, you'll have to transcode various codecs other than ac3. If you want to avoid that, I think you'll need a home theater system or soundbar that has HDMI ARC and a TV (with one HDMI ARC and one or more HDMI jacks) that has the same, i.e., if HDMI can pass multi-channel audio easily. You'll connect the TV box and other devices to the HDMI jacks of the TV, then connect the TV to the soundbar using the HDMI ARC jacks. That means the TV will receive video and audio from the devices, then pass on the audio to the home theater system. That means audio from all devices will come out of the system. Lastly, I read somewhere that Kodi is supposed to transcode all audio played in it to ac3. I think that happens if you turn off passthrough in the audio settings. I tried that and played around with the settings (e.g., set it to default) but I still encountered the same problem given earlier.
  11. So on Live TV as soon as I try and turn off CC, the app crashes and goes back to the main Apple TV menu. Happens every time. Is it just me or is it a bug?
  12. Dickydodah!

    Emby Sweeper

    Ah! I didn't realise there were more options. Can you add these to the output of the --help please? I realise that will probably be part of the final release tidy up but best to get it on your roadmap. Currently I've set it to verbose/debug whilst testing. This seems like a nice solution. It will allow a record of files deleted so it's easy to get them back if you need to (re-download or out of the recycle bin on Windows) BTW does Emby on Linux delete files to the bin or is it a total delete?
  13. Junglejim

    Emby FILM CLUB

    The 1984 movie with "Sting" LOL. That was bad! The TV mini series on Syfy crapped all over that! The new movie series by Denis Villeneuve is far better, plus we have one more movie to come to complete the series much like the TV mini series.
  14. Today
  15. Slugger

    Emby Sweeper

    Default log is at info. A -v sets logging to debug. A -q suppresses everything but warnings. A -qq suppresses everything but errors. Deleted files are logged at info level so the first -q pretty much silences the logs unless there's a problem. I could log the deleted files at warning level so the first -q silences everything but deletes and problems.
  16. OK, thanks. I hope that product updates can go through multiple tests before going online to check whether the old functions are covered by the new code. I know that the company may not have many testers and there is no time to test in such detail. Then the appropriate version iteration can be slower. Now the functions It is generally complete, updates can be slowed down appropriately, and the testing time before the product is launched is increased. This is necessary and can reduce user troubles, because update bugs often appear, which will cause users to resist updates.
  17. Dickydodah!

    Emby Sweeper

    RC6 seems to be working great, the logging is very useful. I do have a question about the --quiet option, is it supposed to completley stop the output as that seems to be what it is doing? It may be useful if it just listed the deleted files. You could add a --silent option to completly stop output. This would keep the logs very small and easy to manage. I'm not that bothered but I think other users might appreciate it.
  18. pektoral

    Streaming getting stuck

    Hello, i have the same problem since version 4.8.x but only in the Webplayback. All my media is direct streaming every 10-15 min. the movie get stuck and is dropping frames. After the first stuck it is enough to pause and unpause, but afterwards there is only the option to go back to main interface and start again. If you want to start now from the last point of the video it is not playing again and you loose the point where you stopped. If you hit then again the movie play again fine but after max. 10-15 min. it get stuck again. This was not happening before 4.8, i am running on the latest beta with firefox an debian. It is not a media problem, all my media files running fine on a Samsung TV, Android Phones and so on... Kind regards pektoral
  19. teicang

    Rotate the movies is possible?

    @LukeSamsung smartTV ver 1.7.8
  20. Chrisw333

    Sort by popularity/trending

    It would be fantastic to have 'trending' ''popular' lists etc. Is there any way of linking to Trakt lists?
  21. shocker

    filtering people through access rules

    No, for sure it's not fixed on v4.9.0.14. I was asking if @Lukefixed this for upcoming releases
  22. AlHayes

    Latest update broke Genre even more

    Thank you for letting me know. I look forward to not having to download my genres artist by artist or album by album or song by song. Al. G2J!
  23. notla49285

    Password Required on local network every time

    Why is this now an app setting rather than a server setting?! I dearly wish software companies would stop f***ing with things that work...
  24. DarkStar1977

    Statistics Plugin Broken after Server upgrade to

    My case is even more strange, for example this show, is counting 0 episodes: Where all of them are present: And this other is counting a total of 22 with no missing episodes: And the reality is that there are 185 present and missing 22: All the above is probable a DB problem, but I don't know how to solve it, in fact since I've updated to there are a lot of shows that has missing episodes that appear as complete with no missing episodes in Statistics Plugin and providing a wrong total number of episodes for the show (maybe is because the missing episodes are not anymore in the database ?). Additionally as discussed I will appreciate if we can put a "config" in the plugin to avoid the tvshow links, that is making to present results after waiting more than 4 minutes after spinining and spinning, even Chrome saying that the page does not respond:
  25. pepinacosplus

    Live TV Segment Size

    Good morning. I have noticed that in the new server versions ( and the size of the segments for Live TV during Direct Play and Copy TS option enabled has increased from 6 seconds to 1 minute and 2 seconds. (3-6mb to 30-50mb size per segment) This make emby server to waste more bandwitch than needed and causes some freezes when 4-5 users use a channels. ¿is there any option to coustomize this? Thanks.
  26. francoisp

    Shuffle All issue

  27. bubffm

    Tiny CoverArt Thumbs

    OK, got it. Many thanks.
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