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  1. Past hour
  2. Happy2Play

    Escaneo de bibliotecas tarda muchas horas

    I don't really see anything in that log unless everything is in previous logs. Line 3381: 2024-04-03 04:00:00.011 Debug TaskManager: DailyTrigger fired for task: Scan media library Line 6601: 2024-04-03 07:11:57.833 Info TaskManager: Attempting to cancel Scheduled Task Scan media library Line 6602: 2024-04-03 07:11:57.834 Info TaskManager: Scan media library Cancelled after 1198 minute(s) and 53 seconds Line 6603: 2024-04-03 07:11:57.841 Debug TaskManager: Executing Scan media library Line 6605: 2024-04-03 07:11:57.844 Debug TaskManager: Scheduled task Scan media library will run with a time limit of 360 minutes Line 6609: 2024-04-03 07:13:03.048 Info TaskManager: Attempting to cancel Scheduled Task Scan media library
  3. GrimReaper

    Paypal registration did not seem to work

    You can PM plugin Dev @chefand he'll get you sorted.
  4. TMCsw

    Is Linux (Mint or uBuntu or ???) right for me?

    I’m a little late here but I would also suggest (as some above have) keeping it basic here. Start with Debian 12, when you install it it will give you the option to install one or more of the fallowing desktops/options: Source I don’t Recommend GNOME (ugly and clunky out of the box but after a lot of customization is OK (it’s the Ubuntu default) puke!). Cinnamon is the simplest for beginners but MATE isn’t so bad either. I prefer KDE Plasma (more advanced). (Note you can install none if you wish and pick others later from other sources) (also you can also add Proxmox to this later (excellent for VM’s LXC’s etc.) But your best friend for Linux is the terminal (be it launched from the desktop or via ssh). Before you start (if your still waiting or not for the HW) look for info on the following Linux topics on youtube or articles: directory structure permissions systemd SMB(Samba)/NFS
  5. matrixserver

    Paypal registration did not seem to work

    I can just create another paypal account with this email
  6. DarkStar1977

    FR: Continue Watching button during Intro

    The problem are not the intros the problem is when Emby detects something as an intro and is not an intro, sometimes is 1 or more than one minute with the button "Skip Intro" in the screen during the show
  7. matrixserver

    Paypal registration did not seem to work

    Actually, no. How do I fix that? I do not want to use my personal email here on the forums.
  8. GrimReaper

    Paypal registration did not seem to work

    Is your Paypal email address same as the one you signed up for Emby Premiere with? @chef
  9. Happy2Play

    TV reboots on "Fallout TV Show" Screen

    Yep looks like an unrestricted image request so full size image breaks the client. Where the web client applies a restriction /emby/Items/352684/Images/Logo?maxHeight=260&tag=f1e71a9de96fb38e4ae8e1f00f205204&quality=90
  10. matrixserver

    Paypal registration did not seem to work

    Top Picks, Sorry.
  11. GrimReaper

    Paypal registration did not seem to work

    Which plugin?
  12. Today
  13. i found this request in the logs: emby/Items/606240/Images/Logo?tag=6811daff13d7296da0a4e0939135274e&quality=90 Which results in the attached, 12000pixel width webp image ...
  14. Debug log was on (also on the last logfile)
  15. It crashes after adding the logo again. This logfile is "untouched" but resetted minutes before getting back the big logo and crashing the LG App. embyserver(2).txt
  16. Awesome, I will install it at my midnight reboot
  17. matrixserver

    Paypal registration did not seem to work

    I clicked on register via paypal. I see the $3 charge on my bank statement, however the trial timer keep counting down.
  18. That's true, yes, forgot about that.
  19. Yesterday
  20. Luke

    FR: Continue Watching button during Intro

    HI, do you have long intros?
  21. HI, do you get audio? And by the way, yes this app is for Android TV !
  22. Happy2Play

    TV reboots on "Fallout TV Show" Screen

    Pretty sure you have to enable debug logging also to show the logo request. At least you have to for the web client. Server, Logs-Advanced tab Looks like it is but don't see the logo request via the previous log.
  23. Scott D

    LiveTV scheduling / queuing

    Just came to this request after being directed by ebr. I guess I didn't go back far enough in my search of the feature requests to find this. Since it was originally posted in 2016, and nothing has resulted, the possibility of it becoming reality is nonexistent. Oh well.
  24. The builds should be up tonight. Thanks.
  25. Luke

    Escaneo de bibliotecas tarda muchas horas

    Can you show a screenshot of Emby library setup?
  26. Please try adding it back. If it happens again, then please attach the emby server log. Thanks.
  27. Luke

    Now Playing Not Showing

    Hi, I apologize for this issue. Unfortunately this is a complicated one because it isn't' a normal defect. It is a change in the server that the apps need to adjust for, but we're unable to update the Samsung app on your device anymore. (We are pressuring our Samsung contact hard to update older devices though, so you never know). So this is just a tricky one. It's a delicate balance of trying to find a workaround for the older apps without creating new problems.
  28. Well after deleting it, it worked. Was the only change. Maybe a Bug?
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