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Aspect Ratio change doesn't stick when going to next episode on android tablet 3.1.73

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On my Samsung Tab S3 I have some TV shows that are Apect Ratio 4:3 and Auto for Aspect Ratio setting on a video doesn't work for them, I have to use COVER for them to display properly. I have to choose this every time a new episode begins on the tablet.  The tablet is a 4:3 tablet so these shows are best watched on it, but having to pick "cover" over and over and over and over is really annoying.

I can watch the same show on Emby Theater on my PC, have to use COVER there too, fill whatever size window I have ET opened to, but it sticks when watching one episode after another, unlike on my tablet with Android Mobile.

Is there a way to keep Aspect Ratio: "Cover" on my tablet for 4:3 content ... make the setting stick per session, or per device, at least. Something better than it currently is?


3.1.73 current emby android mobile app on my tablet.


Hi, this is not something that gets remembered from one video to the next but more options are possible for the future. Thanks.

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