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'Sort By Date Added' in DVR - Am I missing an option?


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Hello!  Been trying to figure out a good way to do this - basically, my DVR folder has many shows in it, series seem to not be an issue but in particular NFL Football does not have seasons really, or at least not that are coming across correctly from the DVR recording.


Is there a way I can make my NFL Football folder, when viewed from Roku sort by 'date added' so that the latest games are right at the top?  Currently its just a mess and have to scroll around to find what I want that was recorded earlier that day if there is a backlog of other games in there as well.

I can see I can sort the SHOWS in the DVR folder by date added, but not seeing this same option within each show itself.


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Can you show us a picture of the screen showing us what you mean?

Do you mean within the detail screen of each show where it shows seasons and cast and etc?


Seeing the screen will give us clues what you want us to do. Thanks. ;0)

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