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Search using 'and' and '&'


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I'm not sure if it is possible for you to do something about this.

Searching for example: Lois & Clark: The New Adventure of Superman (there are other shows as well with the same issue)

Lois & Clark, brings back search results as expected, but if I search for Lois and Clark, it does not bring back the series as a search result.

Is it possible to recognize 'and' and '&' as the same thing? 


Edited by gillmacca01
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Glad it works for you.

I am away from my computer for the next 8 hours, so will not be able to test it on that movie (it's in my collection), but you can clearly see from my screenshot, that it isn't working, In my case.

It has only brought back episode results because 'Lois and Clark' are in the same format as the search 


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