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Poor streaming quality from VLC

Go to solution Solved by Leezio,

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Hello everyone,

I have been using Emby for several months now and am having difficulty.
I decided to migrate from MiniDLNA to Emby's native DLNA, and the quality is very poor.
Do you have an idea of the configuration to adopt to solve this problem?
I am attaching you the screenshots in comparison, between the Emby web player and Emby DLNA.

Thks ^^


Bad Quality, with pixel


Very qood quality

Edited by Leezio
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Thank you for your return,
I attach the logs and the captures which better present the problem.

I have this error: Error Dlna: Error creating PlayTo device.

I don't know if this is related to the problem.

Thks ^^

With the Emby DLNA in VLC:


With Emby Web in Firefox:



Edited by Leezio
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How about this. Please make the problem happen again, then attach all log files that were written to during the time period of the test. Thanks.

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OK the log says VLC direct played the file, which means Emby served the original file as-is without any modification (transcoding).

That means I'm sorry but I don't know the answer to what your issue is. Perhaps slow network performance and it's dropping frames? I really don't know but this doesn't look like an Emby-specific question.

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  • Solution


I found out where the problem came from. If anyone ever meets him put the solution here.

In VLC, go to Tools > Preferences, then in Inputs/Codec tab.

Change Hardware Accelerated decoding to something other than Automatic or VDPAU.

Source: https://superuser.com/questions/1566707/ubuntu-20-04-vlc-player-not-quitting & https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/1871949/comments/8

Thks ^^

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