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Is this doable by some sort of plugin ? Maybe add your imdb credentials and then be able to rate movies here and have them on imdb as well (not talking about sorting here, just rating stuff)

  • Like 14
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I think it would be great, that after playing a movie you can give the movie your own rating. I know there is already favorite and like/dislike, but a distinct rating from 1 - 10 would be much clearer.

I have a big movie collection and sorting after my own rating would be a great addition, because sometimes i forget how much i liked the movies i watched and if i rewatch them i have at least a little orientation.


What do you guys think, is this possible?

  • Like 13
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I don't think we're going to do both numeric and like/dislike. There's an industry-wide shift towards the simple ability to like something, so that's what we've chosen.


I don't really use it much, but I prefer the like/dislike method we have now because honestly, what's the difference between an 8 or a 9, I don't want to have to put that much thought into how good was that movie I just finished watching, I either enjoyed it or I didn't


I believe you can do it with Trakt.


We can't do any IMDb integration as they charge a fortune for access to their API.  I do have a dialog with them, though, and they say they may have something for us open-source guys later this year.

  • Agree 1

You can't do it with trakt anymore. Perhaps the MBC trakt plugin will make a return one day


Well then, in the words of Rosanne Rosanadanna...

  • Haha 1

I sort of agree with the like/dislike but I'd love to have the option/plugin to rate my movies in more detail in the future. For me I'd like to be able to see my movies listed by rating or more in the future a more complex "you may enjoy" algorithm. (although based on Netflix's struggle to get something like that it may never happen)


I like the like/dislike options we have now and wouldn't want to bother with a 1-10 rating system, although I personally would like a third option - like/dislike/OK...


Is there any way an option could be triggered to give a pop up with the thumbs up/down/flat -this could be an optional thing default off so people could activate it if they wanted...

  • Like 1

Is there any way an option could be triggered to give a pop up with the thumbs up/down/flat -this could be an optional thing default off so people could activate it if they wanted...


That would be up to each client.  Personally, speaking for MBC, I'm not inclined to do it because, as you said, it would need to be defaulted to off which means maybe 10% of the people would ever turn it on (and many of those would probably tire of it on every playback so would then turn it back off).


So, unless there is some huge number of people requesting it, I am not going to spend the time necessary to implement it.

  • Like 1

Even just having like / dislike should be sufficient to start generating recommendations taking into the other metadata (perhaps genre, decade of film, rating, actors etc) and whether it's already been watched and available to that user.



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Even just having like / dislike should be sufficient to start generating recommendations taking into the other metadata (perhaps genre, decade of film, rating, actors etc) and whether it's already been watched and available to that user.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Yea, there already is a "recommended" section but in my opinion it's not very good. Although I think it's really really hard to make that very good (see Netflix as example on how they can't even throw money at the issue)

  • Agree 1

That would be up to each client.  Personally, speaking for MBC, I'm not inclined to do it because, as you said, it would need to be defaulted to off which means maybe 10% of the people would ever turn it on (and many of those would probably tire of it on every playback so would then turn it back off).


So, unless there is some huge number of people requesting it, I am not going to spend the time necessary to implement it.

That's fair enough I reckon

  • 5 years later...

Nudging this back up to the top. Thumbs up/thumbs down works fine for small collections but I have almost 900 films. And I like all of them to some degree, otherwise I wouldn't own them. So a binary system doesn't help much.

  • Thanks 1

As always we'll monitor this request but, not sure if you were around, but we used to have a 5 star rating system.  We removed it because no one was using it.


In a home environment, you just don't have enough users (and, therefore data points) to make this all that useful I'm afraid.


Why would multiple data points matter? Nobody else can see my favourites, they don't need to be able to see my ratings either.


To clarify, I'm not asking for something like the IMDB ratings where all users can rate and then those ratings are averaged out and that average is displayed. I only want to be able to see my own ratings, regardless of what other users do. Just like the favourites.


As I said above, with almost 900 films simply favouriting the absolute best isn't really all that helpful, whereas if I could rate them over a 101-point scale (whether that's 0-10 with decimals or 0-100 in integers), and then sort them by such, I could easily generate a completely ordered list of my favourite films as well as increasing my chances of finding something I'd like to watch.

  • Thanks 1
  • 3 months later...

I'd love see see a 1-10 rating. Even better, synced with imdb. I don't know if they have that API yet or not for this?

  • Like 1

IMDB isn't a free service, which is why it's not used for Emby at all.


I'd love see see a 1-10 rating. Even better, synced with imdb. I don't know if they have that API yet or not for this?

Closest we have is OMDB, but don't know how often they sync with IMDB.  You would need to enable per libary.


As always we'll monitor this request but, not sure if you were around, but we used to have a 5 star rating system.  We removed it because no one was using it.


Try 10 or 100 stars. (People who really like rating things generally enjoy granularity.) And just make it a per user option. Sure hardly anyone will use it, but there must be other options hardly anyone uses.

  • Like 2

but there must be other options hardly anyone uses.


We try very hard to avoid those because they just end up complicating both the system and the user experience.  As I said, we will monitor this request.




Sync with Trakt then. I suppose when I start using Infuse client, they will allow me to review and sync with trakt. I have close to 4,000 movies reviewed, not going to lose sight of those numbers when looking for something one way or another. 

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

While I don't support a 1-10 rating system, as was stated before "what's the difference between an 8 and 9?", I would love to see a simplified 1-5 scale.

5 - Love

4 - Good

3 - Meh

2 - Bad

1 - Hate


Not sure how that would play into comparing My Ratings versus the Community (iMDb) or Critic (RottenTomato) ratings but it would nice to keep up on some movies.

Although a counterpoint could be made for just deleting the 1 and 2 rated movies or "Hearting" all the 4 and 5 movies, I suppose.


Anyways.... 2 cents.

Keep up the awesome work!

  • Like 2

I have almost 900 movies. I like all of them to some degree, or I wouldn't own them.

  • Like 3

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