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Add filters to library settings


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I’d like to be able to set a library to filter its contents, rather than including everything in a folder.

in particular I’d like to be able to filter by language, so I can have one library that contains only TV shows with English audio, and another that has only shows with Russian audio, and I can have both pointed at the same folder (containing some English, some Russian, and some dual audio).

In another topic Luke confirmed that filters for language will be in the next release, but as far as I know there’s no way to permanently set a filter for library contents. Searching with filters is ok when I’m looking for something, but way too cumbersome for my wife and kids. A solution that lets them just open the Russian library (without keeping duplicates of all my dual-audio content) would be really cool.


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I think what you're asking for is smart playlists which is planned for the future. Thanks.

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