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Watchstates is not updated in the client

Go to solution Solved by Angelblue05,

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Good evening,
I currently have my movies and TV database in MySQL on the NAS.
I have now installed the Emby server there and scratched the movies and TV there again. Then transfer the Watchstat with Trakt.
I disconnected two (test-) clients from the MySQL and installed Emby for Kodi and do the set up . As far as everything is great!

When I go to Kodi and Mark a movie or tv as seen is wonderfully transferred to Emby, no matter which client.
But if I mark something as seen on the Sever that is transmitted (according to Kodi log) but not displayed.
Same behavior when Client 1 has seen a sequence, Client 2 gets nothing of it, in the server it is then marked as seen.

Here's a little log:

When I mark something as seen in the Kodi:
2019-11-22 21:36:00.439 T:15432  NOTICE: EMBY.hooks.monitor -> DEBUG:: [ xbmc: VideoLibrary.OnUpdate ] {"item": {"type": "movie", "id": 228}, "playcount": 1}
2019-11-22 21:36:00.441 T:1868  NOTICE: EMBY.hooks.monitor -> -->[ q:monitor/VideoLibrary.OnUpdate ]
2019-11-22 21:36:00.442 T:1868  NOTICE: EMBY.objects.monitor ->  [ update/1 ] kodi_id: 228 media: movie
2019-11-22 21:36:00.447 T:1868  NOTICE: EMBY.database -> DEBUG:: --->[ database: emby ] 2181591798272
2019-11-22 21:36:00.455 T:1868  NOTICE: EMBY.database -> DEBUG:: ---<[ database: emby ] 2181591798272
2019-11-22 21:36:00.456 T:18988   DEBUG: [ script.embuary.helper ] Force widgets to refresh (VideoLibrary.OnUpdate)
2019-11-22 21:36:00.456 T:18988   DEBUG: [ script.embuary.helper ] Execute: AlarmClock(WidgetRefresh,SetProperty(EmbuaryWidgetUpdate,20191122203600,home),00:10,silent)
2019-11-22 21:36:00.457 T:1868  NOTICE: Emby.emby.core.http -> DEBUG:: --->[ http ] {
                                                "url": "http://{emby-server}/emby/Users/8fefd64fb4794f54b4633aadef5931fc/PlayedItems/273", 
                                                "verify": true, 
                                                "headers": {
                                                    "Accept-Charset": "UTF-8,*", 
                                                    "Accept-encoding": "gzip", 
                                                    "X-MediaBrowser-Token": "{emby-token}", 
                                                    "Content-type": "application/json", 
                                                    "Authorization": "MediaBrowser Client=Kodi, Device=Kodi (RedLab), DeviceId=F74C2BA3A8BE4C288ADDC64FD754882A, Version=4.1.16, UserId=8fefd64fb4794f54b4633aadef5931fc", 
                                                    "User-Agent": "Emby-Kodi/4.1.16"
                                                "json": null, 
                                                "params": null, 
                                                "timeout": 30, 
                                                "type": "POST"
2019-11-22 21:36:00.463 T:9000   DEBUG: Thread waiting 9000 terminating
2019-11-22 21:36:00.465 T:18348   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
2019-11-22 21:36:00.497 T:17032   DEBUG: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
2019-11-22 21:36:00.520 T:18348   DEBUG: started alarm with name: widgetrefresh
2019-11-22 21:36:00.598 T:1868  NOTICE: Emby.emby.core.http -> DEBUG:: ---<[ http ][139 ms]
2019-11-22 21:36:00.599 T:1868  NOTICE: Emby.emby.core.http -> DEBUG:: {
                                                "PlayCount": 1, 
                                                "LastPlayedDate": "2019-11-22T20:36:00.0000000+00:00", 
                                                "PlaybackPositionTicks": 0, 
                                                "IsFavorite": false, 
                                                "Played": true
2019-11-22 21:36:00.599 T:1868  NOTICE: EMBY.helper.utils -> DEBUG:: --[ window clear: emby.skip.273 ]

On the server, the movie is now viewed as seed.
When I on the server in the web interface the movie again as unseen.

    2019-11-22 21:43:02.976 T:15156  NOTICE: EMBY.helper.utils -> DEBUG:: ---[ event: plugin.video.emby/UserDataChanged ] "[{\"UserId\": \"8fefd64fb4794f54b4633aadef5931fc\", \"UserDataList\": [{\"ItemId\": \"273\", \"PlayCount\": 0, \"PlaybackPositionTicks\": 0, \"IsFavorite\": false, \"Played\": false}, {\"ItemId\": \"8\", \"PlayCount\": 0, \"PlaybackPositionTicks\": 0, \"IsFavorite\": false, \"Played\": false}]}]"
    2019-11-22 21:43:02.982 T:10400   DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: UserDataChanged from plugin.video.emby
    2019-11-22 21:43:02.983 T:10400   DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 512, from plugin.video.emby, message UserDataChanged
    2019-11-22 21:43:03.026 T:15432  NOTICE: EMBY.entrypoint.service -> [ onNotification/plugin.video.emby/UserDataChanged ]
    2019-11-22 21:43:03.026 T:15432  NOTICE: EMBY.entrypoint.service -> DEBUG:: [ plugin.video.emby: UserDataChanged ] {
                                                    "UserId": "8fefd64fb4794f54b4633aadef5931fc", 
                                                    "UserDataList": [
                                                            "ItemId": "273", 
                                                            "PlayCount": 0, 
                                                            "PlaybackPositionTicks": 0, 
                                                            "IsFavorite": false, 
                                                            "Played": false
                                                            "ItemId": "8", 
                                                            "PlayCount": 0, 
                                                            "PlaybackPositionTicks": 0, 
                                                            "IsFavorite": false, 
                                                            "Played": false
    2019-11-22 21:43:03.026 T:15432  NOTICE: EMBY.entrypoint.service -> [ UserDataChanged ] {u'UserId': u'8fefd64fb4794f54b4633aadef5931fc', u'UserDataList': [{u'ItemId': u'273', u'PlayCount': 0, u'PlaybackPositionTicks': 0, u'IsFavorite': False, u'Played': False}, {u'ItemId': u'8', u'PlayCount': 0, u'PlaybackPositionTicks': 0, u'IsFavorite': False, u'Played': False}]}
    2019-11-22 21:43:03.026 T:15432  NOTICE: EMBY.library -> ---[ userdata:2 ]
    2019-11-22 21:43:03.041 T:4372   DEBUG: Skin Helper Widgets --> Kodi_Monitor: sender plugin.video.emby - method: Other.UserDataChanged  - data: [{"UserDataList":[{"IsFavorite":false,"ItemId":"273","PlayCount":0,"PlaybackPositionTicks":0,"Played":false},{"IsFavorite":false,"ItemId":"8","PlayCount":0,"PlaybackPositionTicks":0,"Played":false}],"UserId":"8fefd64fb4794f54b4633aadef5931fc"}]

In Kodi, the film remains marked as seen. No matter how I turn it or turn, the change from Emby will not be taken in the Kodi.
Emby server is
Kodi Version 18.4 / 5
Emby plugin the latest version from EmbyRepo




Are you on 4.1.16 of Emby for Kodi?


jes 4.1.16.


The emby server shows now update to But synology says there is no update at moment


Ok please provide the complete log and not just a snippet because I’m not seeing the library thread picking up on the change, even if it has been queued up to be updated internally


I have testet emby at raspberry pi 4 with libreelec. the same. the watchstat is not update from emby server to client

  • Solution

You substitute your profile to a different location which is not supported in Kodi, especially not Leia... The add-on is crashing trying to generate the Emby video nodes files.




This build should allow you to move beyond that issue. But if stuff breaks, you know why.


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When i rename or delete the advancedsettings.xml it works for me, is this what you mean?

Also the advancedsettings.xml not works in combine with emby? But without emby the substitute, where is the error you mean?

But i think i can life without  advancedsettings.xml :)

  • Like 1

Yes, in your advancedsettings.xml you have path substitution setup for profile content. That's the part of the advancedsettings.xml that was causing this issue

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