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Collection from Auto Boxsets showing "hidden" media to other users


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Bit of an obscure title I know but ...


I've created a separate movies folder to put some of my movies, films I don't want others to see/others don't want to see (big horror fan :) ). I've hidden this folder from specific users but, if the movies in that folder are part of a collection, they can gain access to those movies via the collection.


So dir is like this -


Movies -

 - movie1

 - movie2






Main user is allowed access to both, other users allowed access only to the first. But if the movies in the second HiddenMovies folder are part of a collection (a collection of movie3 and movie4), then auto boxsets (correctly) creates the collection, which then (incorrectly) shows up for all users. 


I know I could/should use the ratings prevention and the custom ratings to prevent access, but it's simpler for me to just deny access to 1 folder for the other users. If I have to, I will go through and custom rate things then deny access that way, but this just didn't seem to be the correct functionality when they were supposed to be denied access. More of a bug or loophole somewhere. Also wasn't sure where the problem was (server or auto boxsets). For now, I've deleted the collection.


Hope I've made sense :)

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Thanks ebr, I thought it might be an issue rather than design. At the moment, I'll just remember to delete any collections or get around to using the custom rating system instead (I set the collection to GB-R18 and denied users access to GB-R18 films, but then 100 other movies dissapeared from the other accounts because the ratings are wrong and/or not for my country or missing in my metadata).


That said, perhaps a workaround would be to create an "overide" parental rating, something that is always the highest regardless of country and the existing ratings, and isn't a true rating that would be gathered from the metadata providers? An "Adult" or "HIDden" rating. Then that rating could be applied as a custom rating.

Edited by CashMoney
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Yeah this "loophole" is the reason I don't use the Auto Box Set plugin since I dont manage my libraries based on ratings per users. Glad there is awareness of this.

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  • 3 months later...

I've installed Auto BoxSets plugin today. It is amazing!

Unfortunately, I am experiencing this very same issue as the OP. I created a user profile for my kids which has access to only the folder with kids movies. Whatever ends up as a "collection" is available to all the user profiles.

This is only true for web client and an iphone app, I have no other clients to test on. MBC appears to be fine. Just an observation.

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I am still experiencing this issue too so not fixed yet....



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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