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How to use IService endpoint?


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Could someone please tell me what in the world I'm missing for this IService Endpoint Class. It is unaccessible in my plugin and I honestly can't figure out why:

using MediaBrowser.Controller.Devices;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Devices;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Serialization;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Services;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace VeraHomeAutomation
//To many repetitive devices in a normal List<DeviceInfo> so weed out the duplicates
//CHROME YOU ARE TO BLAME! quit changing the last four characters in your ID's!!!!

[Route("Vera/SortedDevices", "GET", Summary = "Sorted Device List End Point")]

public class SortedDeviceService : IService
public IDeviceManager DeviceManager { get; set; }
public IJsonSerializer JsonSerializer { get; set; }

public EmbyDeviceService(IDeviceManager dM, IJsonSerializer jS)
DeviceManager = dM;
JsonSerializer = jS;


public string Get()
var deviceInfo = DeviceManager.GetDevices(new DeviceQuery());

var deviceList = new List<DeviceInfo>();

foreach (var device in deviceInfo.Items)
if (!deviceList.Exists(x => x.Name.ToLower() == device.Name.ToLower() && x.AppName.ToLower() == device.AppName.ToLower()))

return JsonSerializer.SerializeToString(deviceList);


Thank you.

Edited by chef
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Thank you,


Yes the I understand now about the routing class, and also also a note that the route must start with a "/".


It now works.

Edited by chef
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