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Subtitles and Audio doesn't respect my choose by default


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I'm openning this issue because I discovered a pretty feature but I think it di=oesn't work for the moment.

By the way, I don't understand how it can choose french as language. I noticed, that English is by default when you look the picture in attachment for Better Call Saul for example. 

It's not only this one which is wrong. The most of time, my choose is not respected. See the attachments

Thank you



Edit: If I check "default audio must be choosed". Indeed, the language (EN) is selected. This option works but  I'm lucky for my tests, English is the default. Why English is not selected even without this option. I choosed English as prefered language so I'm lost :/.





Edited by theghost31
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Hi, in regards to audio track selection, there's an issue in the current release server where it ends up using the subtitle language as the preferred audio language. This is resolved for the next release. Thanks.

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