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Came across the xmbmc3 plugin and going to attempt to get this up and running on my osx tower. Seems like an easy install, will be able to test things if needed.

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@@im85288 can you please list your installation procedure for the OS X server, in the event it differs from the first post. Thanks.

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Fyi guys, we're looking to recruit someone who has experience releasing OS X apps. We're looking for help building an installer. I think at this point the OS X version is pretty much ready to go. That's the only thing holding it up from being downloadable on the website right now, is that we need a friendly installer so that users don't have to do everything listed in the first post.

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Big new guys:  Mono 3.4 is available for download:




Can you test the server using 3.4 instead of your custom built version? If it performs consistently we can remove building mono from the setup procedure, which will be great. Thanks.

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I will give it a try later on and report back if it was successful. Is it possible to get a newer version of the server without Mono to test?

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Everything appears to be running the same as before with the standard 3.40 mono build. The only problem I have is with the CoverArt plugin, it randomly takes a part (like a cake slice shape) out of posters. Though this has been the case for me with all the OSX builds so not a new problem.

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What are the steps with the new Mono 3.4?  I was never able to get MB running on OS X with the older version.  I kept getting errors in the terminal.


I always get this error when trying to compile mono:


"osx:Build Nathan$ PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PATH

osx:Build Nathan$ git clone https://github.com/mono/mono.git

fatal: destination path 'mono' already exists and is not an empty directory.

osx:Build Nathan$ cd mono

osx:mono Nathan$ CC='cc -m32' ./autogen.sh --prefix=$PREFIX --disable-nls


**Error**: You must have `libtool' installed to compile Mono.

Get ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libtool-1.2d.tar.gz

(or a newer version if it is available)

osx:mono Nathan$"





I'm also getting this error after running this portion of the one stop shop code:


"for i in */configure; do (cd `dirname $i`; ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX && make && make install); done"


"libtool: link: (cd libltdl/.libs/libltdl.lax/dlopen.a && ar x "/Users/Nathan 1/Build/libtool-2.4.2/libltdl/.libs/dlopen.a")

./libtool: line 1099: cd: libltdl/.libs/libltdl.lax/dlopen.a: No such file or directory

make[2]: *** [libltdl/libltdl.la] Error 1

make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

make: *** [all] Error 2

osx:Build Nathan$ "


Could the second part having something to do with all the problems?



Edited by Nate8727
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What are the steps with the new Mono 3.4? I was never able to get MB running on OS X with the older version. I kept getting errors in the terminal.


I always get this error when trying to compile mono:


"osx:Build Nathan$ PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PATH

osx:Build Nathan$ git clone https://github.com/mono/mono.git

fatal: destination path 'mono' already exists and is not an empty directory.

osx:Build Nathan$ cd mono

osx:mono Nathan$ CC='cc -m32' ./autogen.sh --prefix=$PREFIX --disable-nls


**Error**: You must have `libtool' installed to compile Mono.

Get ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libtool-1.2d.tar.gz

(or a newer version if it is available)

osx:mono Nathan$"





I'm also getting this error after running this portion of the one stop shop code:


"for i in */configure; do (cd `dirname $i`; ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX && make && make install); done"


"libtool: link: (cd libltdl/.libs/libltdl.lax/dlopen.a && ar x "/Users/Nathan 1/Build/libtool-2.4.2/libltdl/.libs/dlopen.a")

./libtool: line 1099: cd: libltdl/.libs/libltdl.lax/dlopen.a: No such file or directory

make[2]: *** [libltdl/libltdl.la] Error 1

make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

make: *** [all] Error 2

osx:Build Nathan$ "


Could the second part having something to do with all the problems?



With Mono 3.4 you don't need to compile it for OS X anymore. Just install the package and run MediaBrowser with a command like: mono MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.Exe from a terminal window. Edited by im85288
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@@im85288 is there anything else you had to install?


Yes I also used MacPorts for installing the correct version of libgdi+ as you mentioned in the first post. This only had to be done once though thankfully.

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Yes I also used MacPorts for installing the correct version of libgdi+ as you mentioned in the first post. This only had to be done once though thankfully.

What did you do after installing MacPorts?




Nevermind.  I got it running after going to this site: https://mikewest.org/2007/04/installing-libgd-from-source-on-os-x and doing the following:


1. Unzip the libdg file you downloaded (double click on it).  A folder should appear with the same file name.


2. Open terminal


3. Type "cd" and hit the spacebar in the terminal window, then click and drag the unzipped libdg folder from it's location to the terminal window.  This should have copied the file path for it after "cd" you just typed.


4. Hit enter and you're now in the libdg folder.  Copy the following: 

sudo ln -s /usr/X11R6/include/fontconfig /usr/local/include

./configure && make && sudo make install  


5. Right click on the terminal window and paste it, then hit enter.  Do not hit backspace.


6. Libdg should install.  I had errors, but it still works.


7. Exit terminal, then open it again.


8. Locate the MediaBrowser folder you downloaded.  Make sure it's unzipped.


9. Type "cd" and backspace afterwords in terminal.


10. Click and drag on the MBServer.Mono folder and put it in the terminal window.  The file path should appear.  Hit enter and you're now in the MBServer.Mono folder.


11. Type "mono MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe


12. You should get a lot of scrolling text, and then MediaBrowser should startup in the web browser.


13. Done.


Make sure and install Mono 3.4 before any of this.  I installed both MonoFramework MDK and MRE in Mavericks as I wasn't sure which one was the right one.  If anyone knows the difference please explain.


Hope this helps.

Edited by Nate8727
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Vaibhav Bajpai

Hello Team


Let me declare at the very outset that Iam quite a layman and not as knowledgable on the OS X internals to use command windows for running the software thus my observations are more like any person who would want to download from the internet, install and run the application from the /Applications folder


Iam using Mac OS X (Mountain Lion) and trying to test the beta version for installing Media Browser server into my laptop for streaming to Roku device. I downloaded the MonoFramework-MRE-3.4.0.macos10.xamarin.x86.pkg  file as provided from http://www.go-mono.c...s/download.html


Here are the steps I followed

1. Opened the pkg file and installed the software


2. The installation was successful but I could not see any icon in the Applications folder to run the app. I could see the app was unzipped at the location /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework in the filesystem


3. I followed the thread and saw that I need to run the following command from Terminal window as follows but Iam getting an error 


Vaibhavs-MacBook-Pro:/ vaibhavbajpai$ cd /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/3.4.0/bin
Vaibhavs-MacBook-Pro:bin vaibhavbajpai$ mono MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.Exe
Cannot open assembly 'MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.Exe': No such file or directory.
Vaibhavs-MacBook-Pro:bin vaibhavbajp


Please guide me the steps on how I can run the media server that can be used with Roku
Edited by Vaibhav Bajpai
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Thanks for trying it out. Our goal is to have a friendly installer within the next few weeks. It's one of the last items remaining for the OS X server, actually.


when you run mono MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe, you need to list out the full path to the MediaBrowser program (or setup a PATH variable, which is preferable).


for example


mono /usr/downloads/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe



Also, in case you hadn't already, you'll want to use macports to install libgdi+

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Once you have installed lidgdi+ and of course Mono 3.4 open a Terminal window and navigate to the location of where you downloaded the MediaBrowser Server.


So if it went to your downloads folder something like cd ~/Downloads/MediaBrowser.Mono.3.0.5138.53222


Once there to confirm mono is successfully installed type "mono --version" - this should output that mono version 3.4 is installed properly and available to be accessed from this location.


Finally run mono MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.Exe from this location (if you press the tab button whilst typing it will auto complete and confirm you are in the correct place)


At first it takes a few minutes to start up but eventually it will and opens up a web page for you to do your configurations. 


An important thing you'll most likely need to do is use path substitution for the media (I have mine set up to use the NFS protocol from my NAS) for example:

/Volumes/share-2/TV nfs://
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There's a new build up to match the windows version. It's available from the same link in the first post.

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Very nice build thank you. I see the DLNA feature is now being shown in the layout. Should we expect this to be working for OS X/Linux builds?

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I have just today heard and trying out MB.


However, i am no good at these Terminal commands etc.


So is there anyway to receive an e-mail when the actual installer version is available? As i read you saying it is almost ready.T



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So I have read through the forum, followed the directions, and perhaps I am just braindead, but nothing seems to have worked.


How do I uninstall anything that got installed during the .mre & the .mdk installations (i did both) or... how can I make something work here?

Edited by MFriedman
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Yes installing the OS X server is not straight forward at all and there are still other problems such as the CoverArt plugin that costs $8.99 not actually working properly as reported in this thread:




Hopefully these problems will get resolved and an easy to install package provided for users, though at this stage I have no idea when the ETA for this could be.

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Here are some general steps to get MB3 Server installed on OS X.  These worked for me anyway.



1. Download MB3 Server, and double click to unzip it. (Thanks to Luke for the link)


2. Download & Install Xcode and Xcode Command Line Tools from the Mac App Store and Mac Development Site.  You will need to register (free) to download the command line tools.


        a. Accept the Command Line Tools License agreement in terminal.  Instructions can be found here under Xcode License Agreement.


3. Download & Install Mono 3.4


4. Download & Install XQuartz (X11)


5. Download & Install MacPorts


6. Download & Install libgd 2.1.0.  I used the .tar.gz file.  Install it from the terminal.


        a. Unzip the libgd file you downloaded (double click on it).  A folder should appear with the same file name.


        b. Open terminal


        c. Type "cd" and hit the spacebar in the terminal window, then click and drag the unzipped libdg folder from it's location to the terminal window.  This should have copied the file path for it after "cd" you just typed.


        d. Hit enter and you're now in the libgd folder.  Copy the following: 

sudo ln -s /usr/X11R6/include/fontconfig /usr/local/include
./configure && make && sudo make install  

        e. Right click on the terminal window and paste it, then hit enter.  DO NOT hit backspace, or the code won't work.


        f. Libgd should install.  I had errors, but it still works.  Follow any prompts until it's completed.


7. Run MB Server from Terminal.  Below are instructions:


        a. Locate the MediaBrowser folder you downloaded.  Make sure it's unzipped.


        b. Type "cd" and hit the space key in terminal.


        c. Click and drag the MBServer.Mono folder and put it in the terminal window.  The file path should appear.  Hit enter and you're now in the MBServer.Mono folder.


        d. Type "mono MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe"


        e. You should get a lot of scrolling text, and then MediaBrowser should startup in the web browser.


        f. If it doesn't start the web browser for some reason, just go to the standard link for Media Browser on your home network.  You might have files from a previous install.


8. Done!



Some Things Of Notice:


  • This works just like the Windows version, with the exception of an actual App and automatic updating.
  • To get rid of the annoying terminal window without closing Media Browser, just click on the open terminal, and go to the menu bar.  Click Terminal, and then Hide Terminal.  You can also just press (Command + H)
  • Updates need to be done manually.  Just download the new MBServer.Mono zip file from the first link provided, and replace the MBServer.Mono folder you already have.
  • If using in combination with a Roku, delete the MB3 Channel from the Roku and reinstall.  This solved the crashing problems I was having, as well as playback.
  • Move the MBServer.Mono folder to the Applications folder on OS X to best protect the MB files.
  • If you close MB3 and need to start it again, just follow Step 7 again.  Make sure you're in the correct install location (Applications).
Edited by Nate8727
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Nice write up, let's hope this gets simplified pretty soon! Do you or anyone using OS X happen to use the CoverArt plugin? If so can you check if you have the same image problems reported here: http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/6356-the-posterjpg-is-overwritten-with-a-low-quality-banner-unless-there-is-a-folderjpg-file-present/


If so I would advise @@ebr - to mark the plugin as not compatible for osx to prevent people buying it when it does not work correctly

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