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  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

+1 for this

have seen a similar standalone client for plex  (RasPlex)

we need one for Emby without kodi

I am about to rehash our media system and would love to just use the Pi 2 on our TV instead of having to use a PC

ernstgot said it all in a theater post

"Especially  if raspberry pi can be used as a client for theater, it would be great to just power it from the TV usb port and tape it to the back and run live tv while also browsing my media collection"


Edited by waughd
  • 8 months later...

i know its an old thread however i would also love a emby OS for the raspberry pi. all i want from it is emby theater on pi nothing more needed well ofc more stuff is always welcome but i like emby theater. i just need it on my pi so i can control it using my remote control. i dont want a full grown pc on every tv to access emby in a nice way


i know its an old thread however i would also love a emby OS for the raspberry pi. all i want from it is emby theater on pi nothing more needed well ofc more stuff is always welcome but i like emby theater. i just need it on my pi so i can control it using my remote control. i dont want a full grown pc on every tv to access emby in a nice way


You want the htpc industry to die?


If it means I could have ET on the pi, I would be ok with that :)


What about  a windows universal app that would run on pi?

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I thought that when windows was introduced for the pi3 it was a stripped down windows? didn't think a gui was part of it or something? i didn't do much research into it.

Edited by mgworek

I would love a pi client as well I have 3 of them and they are awesome little but powerful device.


Whatever happened to buying a case and then going shopping for all the parts?

  • Like 1

That was the 90s now we are spoiled for choice.

Posted (edited)

a raspberry pi uses way less power. and i rly enjoy the emby theater app on windows. i already have a pi 2 & 3 so it would be awesome to use them. before i was using emby i was using osmc but well its a little annoying since its on one device only, no online accessibility and so on. it would just be awesome if i could use my pi just like anybody else uses netflix/amazon prime/w/e the gui is nice. well i have a pc conncted to the main tv i use. BUT this computer is also doing a lot other stuff. well okay you can change the audio output but i wouldnt be able to use a remote if im not directly in the app since i was doing somethign else on the pc. it would just be one of the best solutions if there was an OS for the pi which boots directly into emby theater. i dont even need more i have a flirc usb dongle so i can use my remote control without any setup. as said before ofc it would be great if you add support for that too but i dont need it too much. other might.. 


since i didnt use the pi3 for windows 10 yet i dont have any idea if you can run such an app on there but if you can boot directly into emby theater with a windows universal app. i would be more then happy about that.


i build my main pc thats enough. i dont want to build a htpc for each tv im using in our house ;)

Edited by NightmareOn

You guys know Luke is messing with you, right...? :)


Obviously, small devices are the future.  We are already on most of them.  Just not completely on these hobby boxes... yet.

  • Like 2
  • 1 month later...

The thing is, that this "hobby box" aka PI has no micro-stutters, and include CEC :)

Hope that some day You announce standalone installer for Pi (something like OSMC but with Emby Theater as GUI).


The little box with kodi starts live TV instantly even faster than my i5 box. I have number of them and it will be awesome to have emby on all devices.

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

I would be down for emby as a OS. With support for live tv and recorded movie playback I wouldnt mind dedicating a pi3 to it. Then there could be an option to set it up as either a server or client and make it into a whole system so anyone ( or virtually anyone ) could set them up all around there house with only a few steps each, actually virtually no effort after the first client is created ( clone the drive and distribute ).









You'll want to try the general Emby Theater for Linux. It now supports RPI so we no longer need an RPI-specific version:




Unfortunately installation is currently a little tricky because you need specific versions of both mpv and electron, or you'll have some difficulty. We hope to soon wrap this into a single command package for easy installation. Enjoy.


For me honestly the emby apps are what we are going to go with. The pi is nice and if i was single or my wife gave a dam about fooling around with these things i might go with using multiple pi's. But for her and the kids i need to keep the devices very simple and easy to use. Heck only having to buy embry premium once saves me a good deal of money right there. 

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