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Buffering issues for users who do not use the transcoding feature.

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I have done tons of tests and come to find out my bandwidth of 250mbps up on fiber isn’t an issue. My computer itself is not the issue which I have 4 – 2tb server drives in raid 0 for speed and copies on my movies on other drives as well. I’m running Windows Server 2012 with an i7-2600k and 32 gigs of ram.

I have 2 test subjects which 1 is in Canada and the other is in Texas and I reside in Indiana. I have wiped my OS coming from Win 10 going to Win 2012 server. I use a SMB Netgear JGS516PE managed switch with a Nokia ONT for my fiber connection. So I’m going to keep it short as buffer issues exist on the external network when transcoding is disabled when attempting to stream to other people such as the tester in Texas and Canada. I also have others who helped me test. The skipping issue is in firefox, chrome, and even Embey theater all have the same issue. Now if I turn on transcoding and set the emby theater @ 1080p @ 60mbps then things are entirely different as the stream plays fine. Yes, I  know supposedly it’s just Direct Stream at that point but for whatever reason the buffering is different and I also notice my bandwidth usage was jumping a lot higher (like it should) when having Emby theater set to 1080p@ 60mbps than with it off doing  the same Direct Stream and having the server transcoding on even though it’s not actually transcoding anything. Again, there is definitely a buffing issue for those of us who hate using transcoders (yes, “hate” is the proper word). Please fix the buffering issue for those of us who use Emby without using the transcoder.


oh and BTW the biggest bitrate file is 27mbps which is a drop in the bucket for my internet connection. Also here's my speedtest as well. http://beta.speedtest.net/result/6895203984 the people I have testing are gamer with i7 processors and at least 75mbps down the other has 177mbps both with discreet graphic cards.


what is the latency to these guys?  just because you have a good upload and the client has a good download doesn't mean there can't be a bad hop along the way, especially when what you're streaming isn't a consistent bitrate throughout (which is what transcoding forces)

Posted (edited)

its the server software because one part I left out is the problem does the same thing with people in town as well. Its definitely a buffer issues as I changed to trancoding a set emby theater to 1080@60 mbps and its fine until they try to move the slider to a different part of the movie then it either works or starts skipping or going to black. the latency is very low like 50-60ms. I watch my network and its clearly showing at the fault for Emby Server its not providing enough data to keep up with the movie. I also tried other software other than Emby without any issue. The problem is clearly an emby buffer issue.


I have also notice this issue for some time but could not pinpoint it until now. I have tried 5 different users and all may similar issues until I have them try the work around. Emby needs to completely redo the buffer system as these issues seem to affect web playback and emby theater, which are the 2 main ways I use Emby. Need bigger bufer and when buffer reach 75 percent it needs to request more data and if it reaches 50 percent it needs to grab a burst amount of data until the buffer is filled. Seems the buffer system is too relaxed.


Let me again explain the only reason transcoding is turned on is to see if the buffering setting are different than those when set to direct play mode and they are or at least the buffering system is affected differently when transcoding is on or off.. the movie even with the transcoding on is still direct playing as Emby theater is set for 1080p@60mbps which is clearly higher than 27mbps so no transcoding is going on.

Edited by jayw654

I'm confused.  Is this a playback issue or a timeshift issue?  If timeshift, whats the load on the server?  This screams a server incapable of catching up.... specs aside, what's the load when this happens?  I (and many others) service multiple clients w/ far less bandwidth w/o problems.  Need more info.


your confused? lol What part of buffering lagging don't you understand? There are several parts to buffering rather than just how much of it. Like when to request more data for the stream whether its a general trickle request or an emergency request for more data which is a burst. The point is the buffer settings are not request enough or requesting soon enough for more stream/data and its causing the stream to fail.


BTW why am I explaining myself to you, your not a mod or can do anything about the situation. I would like to keep my conversation between me and the code writers, Thanks!


Hi.  This is a very active community of users and Mastrmind was just trying to help you out.


We will need more specifics to investigate further.  Thanks.


How to Report a Problem


link to download log http://jmp.sh/NTHy0SD


Thanks, but can we please have the other information requested for reporting the issue?


What did you attempt to play and when?

What was the problem that occurred and when?




Posted (edited)

the rest was explained above. buffer runs out an skips and goes to black or when using the slider to go to different parts of the movie it can but not always stall and not play sometimes it will skip and finally stall. file type is h.264 mp4 with 256aac avc 4.1 transcoder is always disabled, on-the-fly-transcoders are the DEVIL! Oh the problem exist whether the ssl cert is being used or disabled.

Edited by jayw654

Thanks, but when you provide a log to examine we cannot know what to look for unless you tell us what you played and when in that actual log.  


Is D: a local drive on the machine or mapped network drive?


might want to read my very first post as its explained but I repeat my self once, they are local drives "I have 4 – 2tb server drives in raid 0 for speed and copies on my movies on other drives as well."


you seem like a real dick.  everyone here is trying to help you and your flippant attitude suggests that you're owed something.  either play along or fuck off.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

you seem like a real dick.  everyone here is trying to help you and your flippant attitude suggests that you're owed something.  either play along or fuck off.

I did play along I bought a lifetime key. I'm not interested in being a part of a beta test community I just want the software and expect it to work. I'm not here to make friends. I bought a product and here for direct support. I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND!, GOT IT! I'm all business and fuck making friends. So with that in mind I'm very well in line with my attitude so don't expect it to change. Yes, I annoyed at the process that it takes to get support. I don't want to go through all this trouble just need the software to work. So when I make a case for an issue I not here to go through every step and be a tester and if I wanted to do that then I should be getting paid. SA don't look at me like I'm the ass because I'm sure many others feel the same way I do. The problem with Emby they focus on features waaay too much and this isn't the say I don't like features but they need to focus more on bug fixing 1st and features 2nd.

Edited by jayw654
  • Like 1

I did play along I bought a lifetime key. I'm not interested in being a part of a beta test community I just want the software and expect it to work. I'm not here to make friends. I bought a product and here for direct support. I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND!, GOT IT! I'm all business and fuck making friends. So with that in mind I'm very well in line with my attitude so don't expect it to change. Yes, I annoyed at the process that it takes to get support. I don't want to go through all this trouble just need the software to work. So when I make a case for an issue I not here to go through every step and be a tester and if I wanted to do that then I should be getting paid. SA don't look at me like I'm the ass because I'm sure many others feel the same way I do. The problem with Emby they focus on features waaay too much and this isn't the say I don't like features but they need to focus more on bug fixing 1st and features 2nd.

Cool. So kindly fuck off.


Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk


Good day,


As a reminder, everyone should stay within the rules of posting in the community.




My best

Posted (edited)

I did play along I bought a lifetime key. I'm not interested in being a part of a beta test community I just want the software and expect it to work. I'm not here to make friends. I bought a product and here for direct support. I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND!, GOT IT! I'm all business and fuck making friends. So with that in mind I'm very well in line with my attitude so don't expect it to change. Yes, I annoyed at the process that it takes to get support. I don't want to go through all this trouble just need the software to work. So when I make a case for an issue I not here to go through every step and be a tester and if I wanted to do that then I should be getting paid. SA don't look at me like I'm the ass because I'm sure many others feel the same way I do. The problem with Emby they focus on features waaay too much and this isn't the say I don't like features but they need to focus more on bug fixing 1st and features 2nd.


Lol, Guys don't take offense to each other jayw654 believes in his system, and emby users believe in emby, this is how wars start..  The reason everyone is asking you so many questions is due to the vast majority of this exact issue is often due to a local server issue or local file issue.   I can't go to the doctor and say "I'm sick do your job.", the more info the emby team has the quicker they can help pinpoint the issue, be it local or emby software. 


That said, I personally don't have this issue, I stream overseas without issues.    I'm not saying this is your issue, but one thing I have found is that transcoding of any kind tends to hide video issues.  Emby clients have been very picky with some of my videos in the past.  Meaning they would play on almost any local player perfectly, but once piped through emby I would see artifacts, or buffer issues.  FFMPEG tends to skip over these issues and hide them.  The end culprit was issues in my video files that I was not able to identify with video software, everything looked perfect, downloading (different source)/recreating the video fixed this issue for me.   


My root cause was my client PC that I was downloading movies with ended up having bad memory that did not show its head in memory tests or OS errors, the only way I knew was every movie download with this PC would have strange playback issues in emby only.   My point is this was an obscure thing that I didn't think was the cause to my playback issues, I blamed emby, I couldn't believe that I had bad RAM without any other common bad RAM signs. 


I know it's painful to supply logs, and all of this info, especially when the issue is not on your end. It feels insulting, like when you call support and they ask you those canned questions, "Is it turned on?". If you need another test subject, I'm in the same area as you, and I have a known working server/client if you are willing to pursue emby. Just PM me.  I am an emby user, not an emby team member. 

Edited by pir8radio
Posted (edited)

pir8radio, Thanks. Honestly wasn't trying to be rude to anyone but I can easily see how it can be taken that way. I'm just trying to get something fixed is all. I know others may try to help but I really just rather deal with the creators. I already do testing before opening my trap so I really do't want to hear everybody's idea of what they think it may be.


Yes, it is annoying to deal with logs but I do understand the need for logs but I also don't like repeating myself either. I have been annoyed at  the entire situation and I may have worded things a bit too harsh but I still feel the same I just rather deal with the code writers when I have an issue. Happy Holidays!

Edited by jayw654
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Guest asrequested

You realize that ebr is one of the 'code writers' and he's asking for the same information?

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