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Can't select a port greater than 9999?


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Seems like a bit of an oversight in the UI.


I have more than one Emby server application running on my home network. When trying to connect in the Emby for WMC application, it does not give any option to select which one to connect to. Just presents you a username/password prompt, doesn't even tell you which server it's trying to authenticate you to.


I saw another thread on this forum at - https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/19940-setup-for-two-servers/ - that said once you're connected to any server as an admin account you can access the Advanced configuration section and tell it which server to connect to. I did that, but to my extreme dismay the Port setting is a +/- incremental input and it doesn't go any higher than 9999. Go figure, I have my servers configured to a 5-digit port.


I realize that WMC itself is basically a dead technology, so I wanted to at least ask if anyone knows a way around this without changing the port setting on the server itself. Text-based configuration file anywhere? Or something?


If it's somehow impossible to make this setting change, I'd love to add this as a bug report.


Thank you

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Hi.  Those settings will be in %appdata%/roaming/MediaBrowser-Classic/Configurations/MBCommonXml.config.

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