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Hdhomerun emulate using antennas


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I would like to use the tvheadend client, but I want to record through emby.(Native)


so I am setting....


I did use antennas docker (like tvhproxy)

and I did setup plex dvr through antennas (port 5004)


so I can live tv and recording in plex


but in case emby...


I did select hd homerun. and I write IP(ex 

and It is added.

and I did add xmltv.xml


but I can't map channels..


please help me..

or guide..






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  • 4 months later...

Maybe to late answer, but antennas works great for me without docker implementation.

I followed the notes the developer made here: https://github.com/TheJF/antennas

Ubuntu 16.04 x64 with Emby server .net

# Create a directory to store antennas, i.e. mkdir antennas
$ mkdir -p /home/hts/antennas/

# Install crystal Link: https://crystal-lang.org/docs/installation/on_debian_and_ubuntu.html
$ sudo curl https://dist.crystal-lang.org/apt/setup.sh | sudo bash

# Download a Linux release of antennas inside Antennas directory
$ cd antennas/
$ git clone https://github.com/TheJF/antennas.git
$ cd antennas/
# Install Crystal dependency
hts@vdrsrv:~/antennas$ shards install
hts@vdrsrv:~/antennas$ shards update
# Compile antennas.cr 
hts@vdrsrv:~/antennas$ crystal build ./src/antennas.cr

# Configure your antennas server. Edit config.yml
$ nano config/config.yml
# Edit the correct ipadresse for your tvheadend server and antennas url. 
# I have emby server, tvheadend server and antennas on the same server. 
# Check if the url: http://admin:admin@ to tvheadend works with the tvheadend admin user and password admin. 
# If not make a user with admin rights in tvheadend web interface
tvheadend_url: http://admin:admin@
tvheadend_weight: 300 # subscription priority
tuner_count: 4 # numbers of tuners in tvheadend

# Run ./antennas as the tvheadend user
hts@vdrsrv:~/antennas$ ./antennas

# Check antennas is working

# In Emby server setup the antennas server 
Emby server --> Live TV Tuner Setup --> Tuner Ip adresse:
# Check with Emby theater if the channels works
Edited by haraldov
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If you want antennas to start as a systemd service via hts user and start on boot you can do it like this:

# Make antennas systemd service file in /lib/systemd/system
hts@vdrsrv:/$ cd /lib/systemd/system
hts@vdrsrv:/lib/systemd/system$ sudo nano antennas.service

# Paste this content in the antennas.service and save the file

Description=HDHomeRun emulator for Plex DVR to connect to Tvheadend



# Test the antennas service 
hts@vdrsrv:/lib/systemd/system$ sudo systemctl start antennas.service

# Access antennas url with your choosen webbrowser

# If ok then enable the service at boot
hts@vdrsrv:/lib/systemd/system$ sudo systemctl enable antennas.service
Edited by haraldov
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