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Some errors in my log file

Go to solution Solved by Luke,

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Hi guys, few months a go I move from Windows to Linux server.

Everything is working, but today I saw some errors in my logs.

2017-01-06 15:42:34.8846 Error HttpServer: Error processing request
	*** Error Report ***
	Command line: /usr/lib/emby-server/bin/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe -programdata /var/lib/emby-server -ffmpeg /usr/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /usr/bin/ffprobe -restartpath /usr/lib/emby-server/restart.sh
	Operating system: Unix
	64-Bit OS: True
	64-Bit Process: True
	Mono: 4.6.2 (Stable Mon Nov 28 20:49:26 UTC 2016)
	Processor count: 2
	Program data path: /var/lib/emby-server
	Application directory: /usr/lib/emby-server/bin
	System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find the specified file.
	No Stack Trace Available

Anybody knows how to fix it to don't have this error anymore?






Hey Luke,


I have no issues, it's just because I saw this, and I don't know if is something wrong that I should fix.


Actually, I have some issues with some mkv streams, but I'm digging in the internet before ask here.

  • Solution

No, you're fine then. We should look at MKV if anything.

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