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Cannot fast forward, rewind, or seek on most playback


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I had posted about a similar issue prior and the thread was merged into another thread that really did not cover the same issue and there was never really a clear solution. I currently run an Emby server via HTTPS for secure WAN connections. Through the android app only I can only fast forward, rewind, and seek on random media playback. Sometimes it will only work for a short while until it decides it does not want to work anymore. When it does not work I can attempt to seek anywhere in the playback and it will not move to that spot but continue playing from where it currently is. If I pause and play it jumps back to its current location. If I pause and attempt to seek and hit play it jumps back to its current location. This happens on most of my media but not all, as some of my media I can seek freely through the playback.


This has been a problem on my Nexus 5X, my Nexus 7, and now my Google Pixel. 


Also chromecast playback outside of my LAN does not work, it just says Emby on the chromecast screen, when the media is selected and said to be playing through the phone or web browser, it is not playing on the chromecast. This same problem occurs 50% of the time inside my LAN connected to the unencrypted connection.


All certificates are stock to the Emby server. The problem is limited to the android app. I have not tested the iPhone app with the problem. 




(Side but far less important question that I am curious about is that I have the server running on a virtual machine with Windows Server 2012 installed with 16 cores dedicated to it. I see the server side settings that allows up to 8 cores selected or maximum, can the emby server take full advantage of the 16 cores I dedicated to the VM?)

Edited by mtait4893
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Hi, the issue with Chromecast is that it will reject the self signed certificate installed be the server and there is no way to override it. The only solution is a trusted cert from something like let's encrypt.

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Thank you for clearing that up. Anything with the main issue I am having with the android application?

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for the delayed response, I do not use a Proxy or a VPN. The only time I will connect via a VPN will be on a virtual machine to test out of network performance. On my mobile devices I use standard wifi and carrier mobile data.

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