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Multiple File Naming and 4k

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Quick question as 4k movies/Blu-ray are starting to appear how do you name 4k movies when you have multiple copies of a movie?


for HD it "Movie Name - 1080p.mkv" would 4k be "moviename - 4k.mkv" or "4k2k.mkv" or ....


does emby recognise 4k as it does 720p/1080p etc in this situation?






PS you cant search for "4k" on the forum as its less than three characters so if its been asked before i have missed it :)


However you like, it's just a label.




Quick question as 4k movies/Blu-ray are starting to appear how do you name 4k movies when you have multiple copies of a movie?


for HD it "Movie Name - 1080p.mkv" would 4k be "moviename - 4k.mkv" or "4k2k.mkv" or ....


does emby recognise 4k as it does 720p/1080p etc in this situation?






PS you cant search for "4k" on the forum as its less than three characters so if its been asked before i have missed it :)

btw, you can create a Google custom search engine and it'll use the Google engine to search a particular site.  I just created this one for this forum:  https://cse.google.com/cse/publicurl?cx=004792284214564447069:w7natrc4qjc


put your search text in the middle search box, not the top.


However you like, it's just a label.

ok fine the wiki gave the impression it was more significant then that

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