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I have issues with sharing of playlists and files on the webserver via webclient.

Sharing files or playlists via FB or other soc. networks doesn´t work for me. I don´t have troubles with sharing on madsonic and ampache, but in emby - no luck.

In older versions of emby I got the link as a website, but without working navigation buttons. Now in the latest 3.0.7100 it says following message : Error (FileNotFoundException): Could not find file "/usr/lib/emby-server/bin/dashboard-ui/dlg1473857573378".


Right link does work :

Generated link doesnt work :


post-123585-0-71778800-1474192398_thumb.jpg post-123585-0-49141700-1474192399_thumb.jpg


Hi, thanks we'll take a look.

  • 4 weeks later...

I have updated to 3.0.8000.0 and the shared playlist works again. ( ).

When i click on the link, the playlist comes, but without any interactive buttons for music playback.


What is wrong ? Are the permission settings on my server for sharing wrong, or do I need some special setting in my Facebook profile ?


Iron-browser: 57ff7e1925acd_playlistIRON.jpg


Cyberfox-browser: 57ff7e534c416_plalistCYBERFOX.jpg


Hi, the sharing feature is not for playback at this moment in time. It is only for viewing the content information. Sharing the actual media publicly would open up some security concerns which is why we haven't gone there for now. If you want to allow them to play, you'll need to set them up with a user on your server. Thanks.

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