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Where are Emby log files located?

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Hi all,

My Emby fails to start and I wish to check the log files to see what's going on, but I can't find them?

This is a Linux Server and I have searched for 'log' in the whole Emby path and found lots of xml and html files, but no text (log) files.


Can someone please give a hint on were to look?


Well, thank you for answering, but that doesn't quite cut it. 

Read my post. I cannot get Emby to run, and the windows path listed is of no use for me....


Good day,


Yes, as you see I edit my post (Update), hope Linux guys here will help you soon.


My best


Hi all,

My Emby fails to start and I wish to check the log files to see what's going on, but I can't find them?

This is a Linux Server and I have searched for 'log' in the whole Emby path and found lots of xml and html files, but no text (log) files.


Can someone please give a hint on were to look?

 They should be in /var/lib/emby-server/logs


Thank you for answering, but there is no such path on my system.

QNAP QTS 4.2.0 

Linux-debian-i686 version: 3.12.6


Thank you for answering, but there is no such path on my system.

QNAP QTS 4.2.0 

Linux-debian-i686 version: 3.12.6


I see you have asked in the Qnap section, hopefully someone will be able to answer your question.









Yes, I have tthat path, but that brings you just to the "top" of the tree. There are no log files there. Where do I look from here?


underneath that there should be a /logs folder


underneath that there should be a /logs folder

That's exactly what I thought too, but there are none....!


is the logs folder there?


is the logs folder there?


Yes, now I found the logs at last. Thank you so much. This is where it is:



And guess what! I found the solution to all my problems! (with help of the log I now understand a bit more).

Emby is NOT compatible with Microsoft Edge!


When I install Emby fresh, during the first launch, it asks for the media path (among other things) and the type of library (Music) and a name for it. 

Drilling down to the right path where the media is located, is no problem. Its here:



But in Edge, whatever name I give the library, it looks like Emby just ignores it and backs up one screen, asking me to add a library again. As if it ignores my entry. But it doesn't. If I try to repeat the process, entering exactly the same name and path again, I get the following error when I click the last OK:

There was an error adding the media path. Please ensure the path is valid and the Emby Server process has access to that location

This is not a very accurate error message, and it definitely led me astray. The problem isn't access rights, it stems from the fact that the library already exists and cannot be established again.

This is where the log came in handy. It says:

There is already a media library with the name MP3_Music. (MP3_Music is a name i made up)
So, if I instead of entering the same name again, choose a new name, then Emby just backs up one screen and again asks me to add a library as if none has been added.
If I just ignore this, assuming that the error message is correct and that the library has been established (which it has), then I finally get to the screen that asks me to accept the terms of service. But the tick-off is missing, and just clicking 'Next' just produces another error. This is a dead end.
That's when it dawned on me that I should try another browser. And In Chrome everything works just perfect, and I can see all the other libraries I created in my many attempts to get going.
If my findings are correct, I think this is a very important information that needs to be broadcasted.
Also just to mention it, Emby incorrectly says that:
For Linux, you must grant the Emby system user at least read access to your storage locations
That is also incorrect. There is no system user named Emby, and there is no need for one. My Emby runs under the Admin user, and I guess that's what most people do.
This message led me to spend hours trying to create a new system user called Emby and adding credential rights to it. Total waste of time resulting from an inaccurate onscreen message.
Anyway, I'm up now.
You led me in the right direction. Thank you so much.  :)

It's compatible with edge. I'll test that specific issue, thanks.


The linux message is correct but the QNAP package is an exception because it doesn't create an Emby system user, so that will have to be adjusted. Thanks.

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