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I just started to use emby and I most say that its looking good so far. I'm having some issues though, one in particularly.


First some background.

I use docker to run emby and have mounted my media to the container, emby is run as a user that have full access to the directory.


1. I can't get the trakt plugin to work. especially watch-state sync from trakt. (most-have)

logs: http://pastie.org/private/uhf6mwewxtmxzwpydbm5oq

It's alot of "Failed to match" for movies there but i can't see anything about shows. However it seams like it syncing something with all the 2015-11-26 22:34:20.2293 Info - App: Emby.Kodi.SyncQueue: Updating ItemId: 'f5229f5bfbd48c4880ba39121394a4ae' for UserId: 'xxx' in table: 'UserInfoChangedQueue'

But there is no change in playstate on the server


2. Live monitor of content change (nice-to-have)

Don't know if this is a feature or not, but i would like something like watchdog for kodi that senses when new content is added and adds that to my library instead of having to have the task run every 15 minute.


3. Task triggered by another task. (nice-to-have)

If i can get trakt to work i would like to trigger the "import playstate" task when new content is added to library (if i could get #2 to work) or after "scan media library" task. From what I have read this is not possible out of the box. But i was thinking if there was something I could write using emby API. I have not looked in to the API yet, but I'm hoping someone has done something similar or know if it works


1.  Might need to ask the dev of that plug-in, and ask there.

2. is already there, but there are some gotchas with is one being : not all file systems support this.  So depending on where your library is stored (nas, NTFS, FAT, extfs(unix file system can't remember exactly what it is), it may or not work as expected.  

3.  Kodi will import the playstate when it does a DB sync, so if it is set to watched in the emby server then kodi will show it as watched. and vice versa if you watch it in kodi the server will get the playsate when kodi sets it.  


  Kodi does require the emby plugin for this all to work, and it will need to be setup to logon to the server etc.  

Posted (edited)

I'm not really sure what your answer to question 3 has to do with the question, there was no mention of kodi at all, but task triggered by another task is a good idea, it used to be that after auto organise task was completed it triggered a library scan but it seems this is no longer the case and I have no idea why it was removed

Edited by Vidman
Posted (edited)

I'm not really sure what your answer to question 3 has to do with the question, there was no mention of kodi at all, but task triggered by another task is a good idea, it used to be that after auto organise task was completed it triggered a library scan but it seems this is no longer the case and I have no idea why it was removed


Yeah I would really like that feature.


1. About trakt integration: I don't know how the developer is so its kind of hard to ask him directly. I thought it was the emby team because its in their git-repo.


2. About file-system that doesn't support "live monitor": Is there a list somewhere about supported file-systems? I'm using ext4 for now but would change that if i could get it to work.


3. Yeah i know that emby-server will keep track of playstate and that will be reflected in kodi. (I do use kodi emby addon) But sometimes i watch something at a friends house or something else and mark it as seen on trakt, and i would like that have that status reflected on emby-server directly after import so it is not showed as unseen. I tried to use emby+kodi-emby-addon+kodi-trakt-addon which would in theory work but thats starts an endless loop of "library updates". (Library is imported to kodi -> trakt sync is triggered-> kodi updates playstate from trakt-> kodi-emby-addon updates playstate on emby server witch trigger a playstate update from emby-server to kodi... and you are stuck in a endless loop :) )

Edited by kempe

2. There is no list, but you can start one if you wish;)

1. And 3. Obviously need to sort out trakt first, I'm not sure if it is even still being maintained for emby

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