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Shortcuts & Libraries

Go to solution Solved by Luke,

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It works great. What's more, I didn't even need to make a second account. I just set the default library for everything, dumped in all my drives there. Then the one user Profile's library is the custom set of shortcuts. It all seems to work.


Thank you!

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Hi all:


I have ugraded to MB3 now, running MB Classic as my client on Windows 7. I'm noticing a big difference from 2.x that's presenting a bit of a problem for me:


I have five different hard drives that hold all my movies and TV shows. Rather than add each drive as a Collection or Library, in MB 2.x I kept the presentation clean by setting up folders of shortcuts. That way I could manage how my collection was displayed by how the shortcuts are managed. It didn't matter where the files were stored because I could link to them.


Now it seems in MB3, I can no longer shortcut to a movie folder unless that folder is already also in a Library. So I can bring in my collection of shortcuts, but movies don't show unless I have ALSO added the five drives to the Library. (I'm using UNC paths for everything, including shortcuts). This becomes unsightly, as I don't want my wife to have to step through one of five drives, when she should just be able to use the shortcuts folders.




If my drives are organized like this:


\\SERVER1\Movies\Star Trek 1

\\SERVER1\Movies\Star Trek 2


\\SERVER2\Movies\Star Trek 3

\\SERVER2\Movies\Star Trek 4

I used to be able to just make a shortcut collection here:
\\PLAYER\Movies\Star Trek 1.lnk
\\PLAYER\Movies\Star Trek 2.lnk
\\PLAYER\Movies\Star Trek 3.lnk
\\PLAYER\Movies\Star Trek 4.lnk
Now, it seems in order for MB3 to work, The SERVER1 and SERVER2 drives have to be added to the library, so now my presentation screen, instead of just showing the list from "\\PLAYER", also has to have "\\SERVER1" and "\\SERVER2" in it, or else "\\PLAYER" won't work. I don't want SERVER1 and SERVER2 to be showing. Just PLAYER.


So my question is looking for one of two possible solutions:


1. Is it possible to hide SERVER1 and SERVER2 from the browsing screen so that I can link to folders in them but not see the drive? Or...


2. Is it possible to link to folders that are not part of an already-added library?


I am running no themes or plugins.


Thank you!


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Yea just add them all to one master user account. Then create a separate user profile and library for your wife with only the ones you want.


#2 - no, not possible.

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Ah, this solution might work for me.


So are you saying I can put the five drives in the master account, and then tell my wife's account NOT to use the default library, but just add the library of shortcuts?


Thank you!

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