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hello, i'm sory but i realy can't acces to emby server outside my home,

the wiki and help are not up to date so they are talking about option i can't find in this distro (the last)


why HTTS first? it make ssl alert to all the browsers that is no cool for my guest ???


why another port for internet that the one for intranet?


if i try to connect with emby account, sometime i can see my server inb the "list" BUT  it ca'nt connect.

i had open the wan port in windows seven firewall AND in my router firewall

i also made a DMZ zone for the server internal IP on my router

i also tryed with a "NOIP dns server.

but ALL are working when i"m in the same wifi connection

but if i change the isp the wifi conecting to the webrowser, it' all stoped

can't connect to the server.

here..https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki/wiki/Hosting%20Settings    i see a wan place to put my noip dns server but it is not on my server thios stuff ?????




https is optional. what made you think it's required?

Posted (edited)

because everytime i acces to the server (i TRY to acces)   the thhp auto change to HTTPS.  in chrome, in opera, on wiondows, on linux AND on android. it is not MY choice

Edited by studio-jurdan

i never asked for that an don't know where it is set !



Ok - in hosting settings you must have enabled "Report https as external address"


that is off by default. so try turning it back off.


ok, no "https"  now,  but still no access


what does no access mean? please try to provide some detail when describing the problem.


and, on internal access, the SSL ALERT come again in chrome etc...



it mean  i can access IN MY home, in my HOME network  but NEVER on the real INTERNET WEB one


I connected to you via ipaddress:8096 (http) but not via ddns you provided.  And ipaddress:8920 (https) and see cert error but acknowledged.


and the "emby" connect says  "it seem the server is down ......"


:lol:  :D i'll try again without ddns and without https, but the RED ALERT wil KILL all my GUEST (i'm sure that nobody will click on a "TAKE care at your uID, master card number etc...  provided by the web browser.)



must i push the DDNS in the http://localhost:8096/web/dashboardhosting.html  too?


Posted (edited)

i'd never use a DDNS if the EMBY auto detection worked  i ha just tryed a lot off solution BEFORE coming and asking here....

And the "emby connect" reply most off time "invalid user and password"  on a android phone it is realy hard to try to connect 100X  before it works

Edited by studio-jurdan

ok it is better, now WITHOUT the HTTPS  it conncet with or without my ddns.

it is better, thanks.


io've got one little other strange 

i had setting the server to  "home page setting  prefrered languange FRENCH"

but the french works with me  and no one on my guest can have the server in french. what a pitty  theyr english are 100X mor terrible than mine (yes it is possible) lol


But if i can HELP to make the french home page,  i"ll  take time for ;-)


You do realise the difference between http and https connection's, personally I would think you better off using https and just educating your users what a self signed cert means


Although its not exactly the same, its like saying this padlock on my front door, whats this rubbish, it hinders my guests entering, I want it gone.


Inside the next year valid self signed certs will be possible for free and im sure at this time it can be encompassed into emby, until then why not just educate your users.


THis is how i'm doing because https sem to be not realy ready. but i already have SSL level 2 certification, some web hosting, dns resolve, and name in .BE, .EU, .NET. so it is not realy a big probl to me to use these that i already use for other stuffs. my guests and clients are accustomed to more serious on my part , but until all this is clear in the documentation and help, as "customers" Emby are at the same level so I will avoid https indeed - )

Posted (edited)

I use the certificate from my WHS 2011 (Name.homeserver.com) install and followed instructions from here.

Edited by Happy2Play
  • Like 1

i'll take a look , thanks a lot  ;-)

Posted (edited)


Edited by studio-jurdan

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