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empty library which uses a subfolder

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I've created a movie library on my emby-server using the folder "\\nas\data\movies" (contains all movies for every age.)

Everything works fine.

Now I've created another movie-library using the folder "\\nas\data\movies\movies4kids" (contains only movies for kids)

This library is always empty though the scan has finished without any problems.


Does anyone know if this is per design or is this a bug?


Server Version 3.0.5621.4


Thank you for your help.

  • Solution

Not sure why it's empty, but Emby probably thinks movies4kids is a movie in the movies folder.


You could perhaps create separate libraries called Movies and Movies4Kids, such as:





Then add them both to Emby.

  • Like 2

guess this is the only workaround to solve this. :unsure:

I hoped to keep my old structure (originated from my Kodi-Mediacenter)

thank you.

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